Support is essential....
Prior to BFL I was afraid to ask for help. That attitude got me no where but fat and tired.
The day I got back from camp I found the courage to ask my family for their help. I explained that I would be pretty busy learning and adapting to my new lifestyle. And that I would be looking to them to support me in this new adventure.
When I was done...they just looked at me with blank expressions.
"What, what," I asked..."what's wrong?"
I thought for sure they were thinking here we go again. I feared they would think BFL was just another of my "hair-brained schemes" that would soon fall by the wayside.
After a husband smiled. And then he said...
"We love you. We have always been here for you...all you had to do was ask!"
From that day forward...they became the solid core of my support system. The women I met at the Energy Camp formed my second ring of defense. From there my support system rippled out to include friends I've met in the BFL tracker community, on the BFL website guestbook...and a small support group of Northland BFLers who meet once a month to share the joys and frustrations of living a healthy life.
You can do BFL alone. Some have with great success. But I need people in my corner willing to pick me up when I fall...and cheer me on to success.
Wow! ... Your testimonial about people being available to help (if only we'd just ask) is quite an insight ... I'm glad to have been included in your third or fourth ring of 'defenders' ... That's a multi-echelon defense ... I learned all about that as a cadet and later at the command and staff college ... There's strength in such inter-locking supportive 'fire', yes?
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