We grow up, take new jobs, we marry, some of us divorce....we lose our loved ones to disease, we ourselves grow old and will all one day face disease and the spector of death.
Wow--pretty depressing. Now the good news. How we react to that change can make a world of difference in our lives and those around us.
We can use each life experience as a powerful tool to affect change.
Here's just one example:
Today on the BFL Guestbook Wendy shares with us the lose of her friend who suffered a fatal heart attack. By sharing this tragic event--each of us will take a moment today to consider the fact that heart disease is a very real threat to both men and women. Some of us will make an even stronger commitment to lead a heart healthy life. Others may choose to participate in fund raising activities to aid the American Heart Association's efforts to education and promote cures for the number one killer of Americans.
When adversity strikes, and it will, learn from it. Use that knowledge to prepare yourselves for future change.
Question of the day:
What major change in your life has empowered you?
Your BFL Buddy
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