Tortoise or Hare?
The Hare and The Tortoise squared off in a race. The rabbit quickly gained the lead, but took a nap along the way - got caught up in the "cares" of the world. He lost the race to the turtle who didn't get side-tracked, but slowly continued his journey and won the race.
Today I couldn't help thinking about that story as I reviewed my journey to win a Body for Life. At the start, I was like the rabbit swift of foot, losing weight each week and growing cocky with my success. Then midway....the cares and troubles of the world started falling onto my shoulders. Soon I was sidetracked, sidelined and full of doubt.
I ran to the edge of the abyss and faltered.
Then it came to me. If I was to meet my personal goals--and cross the abyss that Bill Phillips so aptly describes in his book, "Body for Life" I would have to adopt the attributes of a turtle...
I had to become focused on my own actions and goals, keep my eye on the road and put one foot in front of the other and allow the distractions of self-doubt to bounce off my "shell" while moving forward with the knowledge that if I followed this program I would indeed win my race.
Tonight with the start of my fifth challenge--the finish line is within sight.
Slow and steady will win the race.
And that brings me to question and answer #3 in my official entry packet for challenge number four.
3) what obstacles did you have to overcome? What adversity did you transform into positive energy in order to successfully complete the 12 week challenge?
This challenge was spent dismantling decades of misinformation and successfully discarding negative self talk.
Over the past year I have survived deaths of family members. I have had a breast cancer scare. We have also gone thru a stressful home remodeling project. I have also had to put down a treasured pet. BFL provided me with the structure I needed to get through these tough times. While I still don't have a six pack or those rock star arms...I have learned how to successfully deal with life’s challenges. I don't have all the answers...but now thanks to this program I know where I can find them...
You're insights are both down-to-earth and poignant. I look forward to them each day. Thanks for sharing your challenge answers, too!
Larry Frascarelli
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