The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I've got the Power....!

Wow. Where to begin?

First, I want to thank Julie Whitt for her great posts while I was hangin' in the Caribean with 100 of the most empowering and beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. It was so great to return from the Champions for Life Cruise and pull up the BFL website and catch up on the news here on shore.
I agree with Julie's awards. Each of her selections were right on.

Second. The 2005 Champions for Life Cruise on the Canival fun ship, Imagination.
BFL Champion, Jerry Braam pulled off the feat of the year. He managed to present each of us with the opportunity of a life time. Jerry thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Not only did I get to meet up with the champions I've had the opportunity to know and love. But I had the honor to meet those who I have read about and admired for the past two years and had always dreamed of seeing in person. Now I know why they were selected from thousands to represent the Body for Life program. They do indeed walk the walk! They also dance the dance...and are the life of the party!

It was also great to meet our Champions in progress. Many I had met on the BFL Tracker website and have enjoyed following their continuing progress.
The energy radiating from these men and women is incredible. If we could bottle it and provide each and every one in the world a daily dose of this amazing concoction I sampled daily on our cruise we would resolve most of the problems that hold us down as human beings. (Wait...LOL .I think it is already bottled. EAS Products and the BFL Program.) Now we just have to continue spreading the word of this magic potion by our own actions and success. The world will follow.

Oh how I wish you could have seen and heard the reaction of non-BFL'ers on board our cruise ship. They too saw the power of our group and many, many of them wanted to know and learn the secrets of our success.
We made dozens of converts during our days at sea. In typical BFL Buddy fashion....members of our group reached out to those with questions. Here's an example. Each of us received a new BFL Book as part of our goody bag on board.
Many gave those books to newbies on board. It was grand to see those converts reading the book while enjoying the sun and fun on the Lido deck.

I must confess, when I got home and jumped on the scale I had gained 5 pounds. That works out to about a pound a day....can we say party? Can we say too many freedays? Can we say...get back on the program?

Yes to all...and yes, today I begin my Ultimate EAS/BFL Challenge. Cause--after the Champions for Life Cruise...."I Got the power!"

Thanks everyone for the cruise of a life time.
Set aside June 11th, 2006 for a 4-Day Bahamas Cruise. Check for future information on the 2nd Annual Champions-for-life Cruise.


Blogger John Lesko said...

Enjoyed your post re: the 1st Champions-for-Life Cruise. Did you get to meet my pal, Ken Young and his girlfriend, Christi? It sounds as if you and your husband had a ball.

But coming back with 5 extra pounds of baggage ... Hmmmm ... I'm not sure you spent enough time on that dance floor.

I would have loved to have been with you all. And what a testiment to the Universal Law of Reciprocation with your tale of giving away those copies of BFL to others!

Glad to see you've got the power and that you had such a good time in the Caribbean. I'm going to have to start saving money and talking to me wife about a June 2006 vacation in the Bahamas.

Your BFL pal, John Lesko

10:51 AM  

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