The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Take action today!

The day we decide to make positive lifestyle changes is a pretty exciting day for many of us.

Gosh when you think about it...there really is a lot to be excited about!!!
We have pinpointed the reason we need to make change, we have made a cmmitment to make that change....and we have a "no fail" program at our fingertips. (Read; Body for Life.)

--Many of us will take action on our BFL plan within 24 hours of making our decision to transform.
--Some might wait days, weeks, months or years.
--A few may never find the courage to act.

The thing I have learned these past several years is this; the depth of our pain and despair over our current condition directly corresponds with the length of time between our decision to make lifestyle changes and our action to make them a meaningful part of our day to day lives.

When I finally took action---it was a relief. And the rewards of working the BFL program came within minutes.
As long as I am moving forward---those rewards continue to come into my life. Yes it is a commitment....yes its a commitment for life.

When we embrace this premise we receive one of the greatest rewards we can give ourselves; Our own, fit and health...BODY FOR LIFE.

Have a wonderful day!
Your BFL Buddy,


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