The journey continues.
Today, was such a day.
Our little dog, Snowflake was struck by a truck in front of our home. He was in the yard with my husband and in a blink of an eye...the little guy decided he needed to run in front of the Meter reader.
The MR felt terrible.
Our Snowflake was in great pain.
We made a mad dash to the vet.
The news isn't great. A complete hip fracture with possible nerve involvement.
The next 24 hours will determine the future.
Devistating news like this used to send to on an eating binge to bury my feelings. So far so good.
Tonight I am keeping my wits and praying to my higher power to give me continuing strength to remain on my personal journey of growth and maturity.
Food can not erace how I feel.
Food will simply add pain.
Even though I am feeling sad and a bit guilty that we may have somehow played a role in today's accident...I will get through this and will be stonger as a result.
Tomorrow we will face the news of what is to come for little Frosty and tomorrow I will maintain my eating and exercise program.
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