The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Free Day

I took a free day yesterday. It was a doozy...and today I am feeling woozy.
Anyone who claims free day is free--must be limiting their definition of the word free. Unfortunately that is something I am still learning.

On free day I have only one speed. High.
I have very little control and eat much to much white foods, filled
with fat and sugar. ie:cookies and candy. As a result the day after is
often spent feeling terrible. Much like a hang over. Brain fog, overall feeling of yuk. The remedy to this food hang
over is often a light day of eating. Yet--I know that longterm damage
is being done.

How many of these free days must I take before I learn my lesson?

One of my goals on this challenge is to get a handle on freeday. To define it for myself so that it doesn't come with so many negative consequences to my wellbeing.

I would love to get feedback on how others "control" their freedays. I know that the ultimate answer must come from within--but role models are always appreciated.
Thanks and have a great BFL day.


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