Plateaus are not a bad thing......
The scale hasn't budged. We'll if the truth be told, there are days it goes up a pound...and days it drops back down. I guess I have reached a new established set point. Frankly I am getting pretty tired of wandering around this plateau!
The old set point was around 188. My current setpoint is 140. I have maintained at this level for 12 months. This to me is an amazing accomplish. After years of diets that failed me---depression that trailed them---and the extra pounds that tagged along behind...I have finally found the answer. Diets don't work. Exercise and proper nutrition do work. But I want more!
My new goal is 135. I plan to lose my "meno-pot" and add a couple of pounds of new muscle...I want a six pack and I will get one!!!
To do it...I will have to be more careful in my nutrition. I will break out the measuring cups and use them. Those measuring spoons too! No more eye balling my servings and guessing the amounts of my ingredients.
I will make sure I am eating enough (that's right enough) to support my current level of activity. On the days I don't hit that sixth meal...I know I am asking for an extra free day. So if I have to I will force feed myself that sixth meal of the day! LOL
Plateaus are not a bad thing...but it can get pretty boring wandering around the same territory month after month. My present goal is to find my way out and climb the mountain for a better view.
Tommorrow I start week two of my Ultimate Red Bikini, BFL challenge.
My 53 birthday is approaching. On May 12th I will be at the top of that mountain and the plateau will be miles behind me!
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