The BFL Blogger has landed!
Right now I am sitting in a cozy little Online Cafe in the Detroit Airport awaiting a flight to Duluth, Minnesota. I didn't want the posibility of a canceled flight to prevent me from keeping a promise to turn this power month into a Red power month. As a result....BFL Bud, Judy Tullius and I set off on foot through this massive airport and found this quaint little "online" and here I am...blogging my heart out.
Who on earth would have thought that I'd be blogging from an airport about health, nutrition and fitness? Two years ago...I wouldn't have! Believe me. But with the Body for Life program I am finding that anything is possible for me.... and for you!
This program is the key to the door to open up a brand new life. It's up to us to pick up that key...unlock that door and walk through it.
Here were are gang...week four is behind us. Its freeday...and tommorrow (drum roll please!) we begin week five! We've pushed past the most difficult week of the 12 week challenge. Nothing, but nothing can stop us...with the exception of ourselves.
Don't let that happen!
The Tennessee Champions week taught me that.... just when I think I know everything there is to know about BFL I learn that there is so much more I need to learn about BFL. That's the challenge that keeps me on my toes and moving me forward!
At last night's banquet I had the chance to really get to know some of the people who I have had the pleasure to meet via the net. (cyber-BFL buddies all.) Hey you know who you are. Boy do you look wonderful in three D!
One of those buddies is PETE (and his friend Steve).
Pete is a frequent commentator on my blog. His transformation is stunning! In fact...I didn't recognize him. At first I thought It was one of my famous senior moment's but after thinking on it...I'm now blame it on 12 weeks of dedication on his part and a new, hip haircut.)
I hope you all have the chance to learn about it first hand.
As I mentioned...tommorrow we begin week five of our Ultimate Transformation. I know you are up to this...lets hit it hard and follow the book gang.
After this weekend...I can't do anything else but...hit it hard.
Please excuse the grammer, the bad spelling time is running out on this computer...tommorrow morning I be back home in Minnesota on my trusty little computer and will have more tales from Tennessee. Until then---reach for the stars..there's one with your name on it!
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