The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Monday, October 10, 2005

DAY 21 Freeday

I thank you all for your wonderful posts yesterday on handling negative self-talk! I appreciate it and I know there are lots of folks who deal with this very same issue and will be able to use your tips.

We have just finished our third week in this Ultimate BFL Challenge. Congratulations.
You are turning your lives around. These past 21 days are evidence of your unwavering commitment to build your best bodies ever.

Today is freeday. Enjoy it. I know I sure will.

Tommorrow we begin week four.
Take a moment or two today to plan the next six days.
--Visualize each trip to the gym. Have your written down your workout plan?
--Think about those 36 meals before us.
Do you have the proper foods in the house? If'll want to make a trip to the store today.

This next week will present some interesting challenges for me. I have a hectic work schedule and then Thursday I will travel with my BFL Bud, Judy T. to Knoxville for the Tennessee Champions Weekend.
Travel brings its own unique challenges. Today I am using my freeday to plan ways to stay on program. Meals, exercises, supplimentation....oh and then there's is this other goal to turn this month RED!

Today's question. What tips do you have for those of us who travel during a 12 week BFL Challenge?


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