The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Helicopter's coming!

If you commit, really commit to the BFL program and enter an official challenge these are the things I believe you must do to succeed.

1)You must believe in the program.
2)You must believe in the power of yourself.
3)You must believe that the helipcopter will be coming to your house in December.

I remember last year after my first challenge. I was so into it. Even thought I wasn't an expert in the program and struggled to learn proper form and nutrition I had such fantastic results. The results were so great--more than I had ever imagined possible...I truely believed that I would be named among the 2003 EAS/BFL Champions.

Confession time here. Every time the phone rang I thought it would be THE CALL from Porter Freeman.
Everytime a helicopter few over our tiny town in Northern Minnesota I knew that they were coming to my house to deliver the exciting news.

Well I didn't win that challenge. BUT I did win a headstart to my new healthy, happier me. Today I have re-invented myself. I was never an athlete. Period. I never did anything I didn't have to. I ate anything I wanted to.
Where did that get me? I'll tell you where. Pushing nearly 200 pounds and a step away from the rocking chair...with the coffin not to far behind.

Today, I am exercising daily, I am eating the foods my body needs to build itself into a strong healthy machine.
I have never been happier.


In the past when I read how other BFL'ers said winning the contest was no longer important to them...that they had already won so much more...I didn't understand them.

Today I do!

But I know that it is essential to follow my theory at the top of this blog entry to maintain my BFL success. I continue to believe that I will win. I continue to believe that I will get that phone call and those copters will be landing near my home sometime in December.

Hey--that's part of the fun and visualization we need to mount a successful BFL transformation.

Now I'd like to share my answer to question #2 in my packet mailed for my just completed challenge #four.

2) How are you planning to help educate others on health, fitness and living a healthy active lifestyle?

As a television news anchor my ongoing transformation has become a public affair. I’ve shared my transformation with my audience during a series of reports on healthy lifestyles. I continue to share my EAS/BFL Transformation as a guest lecturer at community health events. I actively seek new opportunities to share this program and offer support and encouragement to all who are willing to commit to a healthier lifestyle by adopting a regiment of exercise, balanced nutrition and proper supplementation.

By the way--I begin challenge #5 on Saturday! I will earn my rockstar arms and my six pack abs!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

My 4th Official Challenge ends!

I've done it! I have completed yet another challenge. Most of my weight loss was seen during my first two challenges. Now I am working to lose years of fat, stupid thoughts and ideas that held me down from reaching my full potential.
BFL requires us to answer a list of questions when submitting our challenges. Today I'm sharing my answer to question #1 In the 8 week guide.

1) What kept you inspired to stay on course though out the 12 week challenge?

My transforming body and new found energy and strength to meet life’s challenges have inspired me to stay the course during this, and three previous challenges. EAS Counselors, guestbook participation at the EAS/BFL website and new friendships made at two EAS Energy Camps for Women were also important inspirations.

When people ask me how I made such an amazing physical transformation in light of so many past failures I tell them that the BFL program gave me the courage to finally ask for help.

Simple does it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Positive Feedback on my efforts!

This e-mail is so great I want to share it with all my BFL buddies. What a nice way to end my Fourth Official BFL Challenge.

Hello Michelle!
I have wanted to get in touch with you for a couple of months now. My husband and I are originally from Cloquet and we grew up watching you on television. We are now living in San Francisco, but were just home in Mn in late August. While watching the news, my husband exclaimed "Holy Sh*t! Come look at Michelle Lee...She had to have had work done or something! She looks amazing!" Now, I think that in itself is a great complement. But, you need to also know that my hubby is only 29 and rather fickle. AND being a man, he wouldnt notice if I came home with blue hair and a bone through my nose...he is quite oblivious, especially concerning vanity. You made quite an impression on him. NOW, coincidentally also when we were in MN at that time, my sister and her hubby were in their 11th week
of the BFL program. Their results were staggering. They each looked
better than I had ever seen them before. Each had lost 20-30 lbs and had slashed their body fat in half. Both had lost multiple inches throughout their entire bodies. They seemed happier than ever and claimed their relationship was at its all time peak. We talked about it extensively and I ended up reading the BFL book while there. The catalyst that pushed my sis and brother-in-law into the BFL program? My sister caught a special on TV about you and how you had embarked on this great new journey called Body For Life. She told us this two days after my husband noticed your
new looks. The minute we got back to California, I adjusted my
lifestyle and embarked on BFL myself. I am now in my 11th week and doing phenomenal. Ill never go back. It has changed me forever and has become my new lifestyle. Literally my entire life has improved. And it wouldnt have ever happened without YOU! I just wanted to let you know that by some crazy fluke you have changed three peoples lives forever and for the better. Thank you so much and I wish you continued success with your fantastic new body and life! Sincerely, Elissa Leno BERKELEY, CA

This email came after I posted this on the BFL Guestbook.
Re-inventing yourself.... How many opportunities will we have in our life to reinvent ourselves? This program has given me the opportunity and the means to do just that. In just one year I am a totally different person. Have gone from fat, unhealth and miserable to fit and happy. It didn’t cost a lot of time or money....All I did was make a commitment to myself to invest in me. Each 20 minutes on the treadmill, each 45 minutes in resistance training...each of my six meals a day---all are now paying big dividends. Can a person reinvent themselves in such a short time frame? You bet...if you read this guestbook you know there are a lot of us out here, living proof that the Body for Life lifestyle works. Remember BFL is not a race, it is a journey to enjoy! Join us

Monday, November 22, 2004

necessity is the mother of invention...

I've been living a new and improved lifestyle for more than a year now. It shows. I have lost weight and dress sizes. The newness for me has worn off a bit. I am who I am. But my new look can be a shock for people who haven't seen me in awhile.

Some ask whether I have been sick. Others wonder if its cancer. Can't blame them. I am in the target age group for a whole host of serious and life threatening illnesses.

My husband attended an antique show last Friday. An aquaintance said to him..."Hey that Michelle, she's really re-invented herself, hasn't she.?"
Husband dearest happily agreed and passed on the man's kinds words to me.

Come to think about it I guess I have re-invented myself. Looking at my old, fat pictures I see an unhappy stranger looking back at me. Who is she? I wonder. Could that have really be me on Oct. 6, 2003. Its really amazing how a few simple adjustments during your daily lives can make such major changes in a person's life.

Now looking forward to my second BFL Thanksgiving...I don't have enough fingers and toes to count all my blessings this holiday season.

One thing this past year has taught me is Body for Life is not a race to be won. Its a journey to be enjoyed.

Enjoying a beautiful Monday in Minnesota,