The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, December 03, 2004

To be a champion you have to.....

Surround yourself with Champions. That way you can pattern your efforts for success.

I work out in a cardiac exercise rehab unit at my small town Hospital. They open the exercise area to the community for a small monthly fee. It's the best bargain in town!

Each day I see heart attack and stroke survivors hitting their tens to regain their health. Some have oxygen units strapped to their backs. When I start to slack off on my cardio or start thinking about easing up on the weights I lift I think about these true heros. Average folks doing what it takes to squeeze out a few more years of quality life.

That's one of my goals too.
A few more years of quality life.
In order to do that I know I have to join this hardy bunch of friends and neighbors to exercise my heart and lungs and build my muscles and bones.

I believe a big part of my transformation success has been the example each of my workout buddies has set. Hard work--push through the pain and do the things that need to be done.

I am so blessed that a heart attack or stroke didn't force my hand. Given that, there is no good reason holding me back from hitting my tens and creating my best body ever.

Here now is answer #7 submitted with my official BFL contest entry for challenge #4.)

Since entering the BFL challenge and becoming a fitness role model, what person did you inspire to follow your example…to experience all the positive changes you have had over the past 12 weeks. Why did you choose that person, and how will you help that person succeed like you have?

Since sharing my transformation with my television audience it seems a day does not pass without someone coming up to thank me for having the “courage,” to go public. That courage was found, along with a new sense of hope and happiness by working this program.
I know the only way to maintain this precious gift is by giving this program to others. I do this by sharing my story at community health functions… giving out BFL Books, referring people to the BFL Website and giving away EAS meal replacement samples. Each day I ask God to send me one person who is ready to adopt the EAS/BFL lifestyle. Nearly every day that prayer is answered.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Hitting my tens.....

Bill Phillips once said that Nobody can do BFL 100 percent of the time.

Guess nobody is perfect. But he adds that its what we do Most of the time that counts.

Today during my cardio workout I focused real hard on hitting my tens. I figure I probably hit an eight. Do I feel like a failure. Nope. I feel like I did what I could today.

I hauled myself out of a warm bed on a cold, snowy morning, I swept the snow from my car and went to the gym and did what I needed to do. When I got home I made my oatmeal and egg white pancake--smothered with sugar free raspberrry perserves and enjoyed every bite. I took my CLA and my vitamins. I packed five meals for work, I visualized a strong healthy mind and body. I logged in to the BFL website and read the guestbook. I cruised Larry F.'s website....and read the inspiring words of others.

Tommorrow, when I head to the gym for my upper body workout I will strive for those tens. And repeat the steps I need to have another successful day. Comforted in the promise of BFL and the knowledge that I will move forward in my journey to gain and maintain my Body for Life.

Could anything be more simple?

Here's question and answer #6 to my official entry for Challenge #4.

6) How has your life been transformed and your physical condition improved since decided to accept the BFL challenge and sticking with it from start to finish?

My husband says, “EAS/BFL has given him back his wife.” I say, “EAS/BFL has given me back my life.” I once struggled with a long list of obesity related medical and emotional problems including high cholesterol, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia and depression. Today they have all fallen by the wayside. Setting goals, planning meals, exercise and proper supplementation have made me happier and healthier than I have ever been. I no longer require 10 hours of sleep. I now enjoy activities that once were tiring. There just seems to be more hours and power to enjoy life and meet the challenges it brings.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A daily exercise for success.

I've been thinking about Bill Phillips Book, Body for Life and the chapter dedicated to the requirement of crossing the abyss.

Rather than an ah-ha moment or a destination to reach ...
I wonder whether this is something successful people must do each and every day---an exercise if you will to be undertaken at the start of each of our days.

Each day offers a new beginning and a laundry list of choices to be made. Some excellent some poor. As this new day dawns do "champions" make a concious decision to cross the abyss and move closer to a happier more richer life?

The more I consider the writings of champions I lean toward this theory. And how it relates to keeping our self promises.

Each day we have to make a concious decision to do the things we need to do to take care of ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually.
This foundation of self promises and the determination to keep them is essential to our success as we build our Bodies for Life.

Here's question and answer #5 for my EAS/BFL entry packet mailed out as part of my fourth official challenge.

#5) Which EAS supplements do you feel were the most important to your success and why? Would you recommend eas supplements to others to help them achieve their goals?

I am a strong advocate of EAS supplements and meal replacement products and use them daily. I use Betagen, Carb DynamX and CLA. A lengthy commute and long hours at work can be challenging when it comes to balanced nutrition. The Myoplex meal replacement bars and shakes are the perfect “fast food” for people on the go. They and AdvantEdge Carb Control Bars keep me on track for 6 balanced meals a day. Good nutrition is an essential building block in the success of this program. I recommend EAS meal replacement products and believe they can aid others in making successful transformations.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Have to or Want to...?

Why did Body for Life work for me when so many, many other programs did not?

Were the other programs bad programs? Not necessarily. In fact, I know a lot of people who have found success with programs like Curves, Weight Watchers, Dr. Phil and more. Unfortunately I was not among them.

Before BFL I was a professional dieter.

Every Monday I began a new diet and by Wednesday I had fallen off the wagon and back to my old unhealthy ways. Sometimes the dieting worked for a week or two--If I really gave it the old college try I could last for a month.

For nearly thirty years I followed the pattern above. Losing weight and gaining more back. Ultimately I ate my way up to nearly 200 pounds during my professional dieting days.

So why on earth did this program work for me? At first--it was because I had to do something.

My clothing didn't fit, I was depressed and slept ten hours or more a day. I never felt rested. My cholesterol was dangerously high, my blood pressure was climbing, my sleep apnea was growing worse.
To put it bluntly I was a 51 year old basket case desperate to try anything---including eating my way up to a higher weight so that I could qualify for stomach bypass surgery. Thank God that little program failed!

Instead I learned about BFL from a good friend who had completely turned her life around.
The day I started this program I knew my life depended on it. I had to do it.

Now, I follow the BFL Program because I want to.
I love the way it makes me feel, I love the way it makes me look, I love the way it has allowed me to be the best I can be for my family and friends.

The transition from "have to" to "want to" came during my third challenge. I believe that's when I crossed the ABYSS or the rapid and troubled waters flowing in the river of Decision.

When I decided that I deserve to be happy and healthy I had all the strength needed to cross the river. To accept the gifts on the other side I now find I have to give them away every day. Give time at the gym, give help to my friends....give help to those who are struggling to find their own BFL.

BFL is a gift---one that you keep only by giving it away.

Now now to question #4 in my Official BFL entry packet for challenge four just completed.
4) How did you measure you physical progress, BF/dress size, scale weight, health indicators, please describe your physical improvements in terms of how you measured them. Also please let us know the amount of fat you lost and the a amount of lean muscle gain you achieved.

People now ask if I’ve had a face lift. (No.) Others ask if I’ve found the Fountain of Youth! (Yes, it's called EAS/BFL!) During my four challenges, I have gone from a size 16 to a size 6. I am also wearing some size 4’s. I’ve lost nearly 50 pounds and gained muscle. I’m more confident and it shows in my daily life and on the Nightly News. I’m happier, my marriage is stronger and I’m a better mom. Medically I’ve seen a significant drop in my cholesterol levels. My resting heart rate is now below 50. My blood pressure is now 89/56.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Tortoise or Hare?

Remember that great old fable...about the Hare and the Tortoise?

The Hare and The Tortoise squared off in a race. The rabbit quickly gained the lead, but took a nap along the way - got caught up in the "cares" of the world. He lost the race to the turtle who didn't get side-tracked, but slowly continued his journey and won the race.

Today I couldn't help thinking about that story as I reviewed my journey to win a Body for Life. At the start, I was like the rabbit swift of foot, losing weight each week and growing cocky with my success. Then midway....the cares and troubles of the world started falling onto my shoulders. Soon I was sidetracked, sidelined and full of doubt.

I ran to the edge of the abyss and faltered.

Then it came to me. If I was to meet my personal goals--and cross the abyss that Bill Phillips so aptly describes in his book, "Body for Life" I would have to adopt the attributes of a turtle...
I had to become focused on my own actions and goals, keep my eye on the road and put one foot in front of the other and allow the distractions of self-doubt to bounce off my "shell" while moving forward with the knowledge that if I followed this program I would indeed win my race.

Tonight with the start of my fifth challenge--the finish line is within sight.

Slow and steady will win the race.

And that brings me to question and answer #3 in my official entry packet for challenge number four.

3) what obstacles did you have to overcome? What adversity did you transform into positive energy in order to successfully complete the 12 week challenge?

This challenge was spent dismantling decades of misinformation and successfully discarding negative self talk.
Over the past year I have survived deaths of family members. I have had a breast cancer scare. We have also gone thru a stressful home remodeling project. I have also had to put down a treasured pet. BFL provided me with the structure I needed to get through these tough times. While I still don't have a six pack or those rock star arms...I have learned how to successfully deal with life’s challenges. I don't have all the answers...but now thanks to this program I know where I can find them...