Katrina relief---a tiny proposal that could have major impact!
I'll offer one Idea how your community can help in just a moment...but first.
As I watch the televison coverage of the efforts to save the people in New Orleans I am so frustrated. I know its a frustration shared by thousands of Americans today.
We are the most wealthy nation in the world. We have spent billions planning and preparing for disaster...yet it appears there has been a complete breakdown in our response. We are being tested and there is fear today we will fail this life and death test!
Questions swirl across the nation. Where are the boots on the ground? Where are the helicopters dropping food and water to the poor souls who have now gone days without it? Where are those buses---needed to transport the people to safety? Why can't we go in with boats and carry them to safety?
Today, FEMA suspended rescue efforts...reports indicate the suspension is the result of fear for the safety of rescuers. Hopefully those efforts will continue soon.
Sitting here in safety in my home in Northern Minnesota I thank God that my family is safe. I am praying for the families of strangers in the south.
I pray for America.
I wonder where our "Coalition of the willing" is standing on this day of disaster?
This is truly a test of our country. The events of the past several days is a lesson to all of us. It shows how easily our system can break down.
This disaster is the biggest to hit this nation. It may well be too big for our government to handle. It will take each American to step up to the plate.
At the very least..donations to the Red Cross.
But beyond that?
Here is one idea. Each American city, big and small needs to mobilize.
Contact the mayor of your community. Urge them to develop a sister-city relationship with one suffering community in the Gulf region. A small town could adopt a small town. A large city could reach out to a large city in need.
Once your city picks a sister city...Have your mayor call the mayor of that city and learn what their immediate need is...and fill it!
Muster the forces of your business community, the organizations, the churches to respond to the immediate needs of those suffering.
Seek out those in your police and fire departments willing to volunteer their efforts in the adopted community. Your city would continue paying their salaries during their service. For a caravan to drive your relief to your adopted city or town.
We are as helpless as we allow ourselves to become. One person can make a difference. A united community can make a bigger difference.
Lives are hanging in the balance. Consider this meager "Sister City" proposal.
If it has merit...please contact your mayor, volunteer to help coordinate these efforts....contact your local media to get on board.
If you like this idea...make and move it. Put it in email form...and send it to those who are frustrated and want to make a difference.