The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Crossing the Abyss.

Anytime we strike out for unknown territory it can be frightening. The questions come fast and furious. What will happen when I finally reach the other side of the Abyss? Will overcoming all of these obstacles be worth it? Will I be able to handle success and stay on the other side?

Before I ventured into this new lifestyle I felt pretty safe. There were no surprises. Even though I was fat and unhappy I had learned to pretty much live in that state. I could use that state to my own advantage.
If there was something I didn't want to go to the beach or go to a fancy dress event...I could always tell myself that I didn't belong there or that I didn't have anything to wear or that I'd be much happier staying at home. Why move out of my comfort zone and open myself up to more pain?

EAS/BFL gave me the courage to step out of that zone. It gave me a running start to make the jump across the abyss.
When I finally made the decision to jump and successfully landed on the other side it felt so good! I wish I would have had the courage to cross the abyss years earlier. Now that I has changed in so many wonderful ways. But each day I still have to make a decision to this new healthy life. Sometimes those old feelings revisit and the "tug" on my shirt tails can be overpowering.

That old way of thinking comes back in a flash and I wonder if all of this hard work is really worth it. The thoughts usually arise when I face brand new feelings and experiences. I now know why they call it the BFL Challenge!

I must confess there are days when I fall back into the abyss. Thankfully the lessons learned have allowed me to put my hands up and grab the edge. I may hang there for a few days...Contemplating which life I want to lead. The old, comfortable life filled with familiar pain or the new, life with surprises around every corner?

It's a decision that many of my BFL Buddies have faced. I am grateful to those who have been there and continue to be there to give me a hand up and pulled me to the other side. In return I'm there to repay the favor.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The dream challenge....

Looking back, that first BFL transformation challenge will always be my "dream" challenge. Once I made the commitment to this program...things began to click and click fast.

At the start I weighed nearly 200 pounds and struggled each day to find enough energy to get up in the morning and face the world.

One of the best things I did to kick start that challenge was to get a Success Journal and use it. I looking at that first journal as I write this blog entry this morning.
It's pretty beat up...Its been used up...but I will never throw it away! Taped to its front cover is Carolyn Culverhouse's Success Story page. She was about my age when I began my journey. Her smiling face in all four of her pictures spoke to me personally. I knew in my heart if she could do this...I could too. One day I hope to meet Carolyn and thank her personally for her..her part in my own transformation.

Inside my old journal are a list of my 12 week goals. At the time I wrote them down they seemed nearly impossible to reach...but I allowed myself to reach for the stars.
Those goals incuded:
Within 12 weeks I will wear a size 12. Within 12 weeks I will lose 20 pounds. Within 12 weeks I will learn to enjoy daily exercise. Within 12 weeks I will learn how to follow through on daily planning Within 12 weeks I will gain upper body strength.

Did I reach the stars during my first "Dream" challenge. You bet. I not only reached them I tore them out of the sky and put them in my pocket for keeps! After my first taste of victory...I wanted more. That's where challenges #2 and #3 came in.
Today....BFL is a lifestyle I follow each day.
I still write down goals...And I still work hard to meet them.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your first Challenge?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Confessions of a BFL'er Lifer

Throughout the decade of my 40's I avoided mirrors like Dracula! ... on the odd occasion that I found my self face to face with a full length mirror I was shocked at the reflection. Who on earth was that big boned woman that sorta looked like me? I'd wonder. When it dawned on me who it was I'd go into a state of shock. The perferred antidote was often an evening date with Ben and Jerry's.

I remember when I was moving toward the big 5-0 and first saw someone around my age "Pop a pose." It was Minnesota's former Governor Jesse Ventura. It may have been at one of the many public appearances while he was running for office. At that time I just shook my head and though...he should act his age. (Never mind the man had killer biceps and it was obvious he worked hard to have the muscles he did!)

Well, that was then...and this is now. Today I love fact I seek them out! I have to confess. I can't pass one in the privacy of my own home without popping a pose. I love how my muscles look. I love how I look with muscles.

A few weeks ago I took a page from the Honorable Jesse Ventura's book and went public! It happened as I shared my BFL experience and those dreaded before pictures with the students of a Health and Fitness class at UMD. The students were about the age of my own son. After I finished answering their questions about the EAS/BFL program I ended the class by telling them they will soon be the foot soldiers in America's Battle of Obesity. I told them they had the power to inspire people of all ages to take charge of their health and fitness.

I then slowly took off my jacket and did my best imitation of former Governor, Jesse Ventura and "popped a Pose."
As they looked in disbelief.....I asked them to remember me, a 52 year old woman standing in front of them in health class....when someone tells them...they're to old to make lifestyle changes.

Today I'd like to challenge all my 50+ BFL buddies to "Pop a Pose..." to remind the world that It's never too late!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Your personal Trainer is just a phone call away!

Have you ever dreamed of having a "personal trainer" with a "ton" of expertise in exercise and nutrition.... ready and willing to help you at a moment's notice? I sure have..and now thanks to EAS that dream is a reality.

Being a BFL Champion has nothing to do with it. You too can receive this service, free of charge!

Did you know the EAS/BFL program provides a toll free number for you to call when you have questions? Your personal invitation can be found on page two of your BFL challenge entry packet. Getting answers to your questions is one of the six steps to success in your Body-for-Life Challenge. If you are waiting for your packet...The number to call is 1-800-297-9776. Please write it down so you'll have it when those questions arise.

When I first learned about the number I was hesitant to call. I thought that maybe my questions would sound dumb or that the EAS phone counselors would be to busy to talk with me about my "little" problem. So...I waited and didn't call until I was four weeks into my first challenge. When I finally mustered up the courage to call I was greeted by a kind voice and answers to the questions that had been nagging me for weeks.

What questions are holding you back from having an awesome 12 week challenge? Confused about the idea of five to six meals a day? Wondering what meal replacement product or suppliment will bring you the best results? What about cardio...should you do more than the book recommends? The answer to those important questions are just a phone call away!

Don't hesitate to call. There are some super people on the other end of that line and they are eager to help you be your very best!
I'm so glad I made that first call, that second call....and more!