The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Lap-band surgery

About a year ago, I interviewed a woman who had just had lap-band surgery for weight loss about three months prior to our visit. She was in her sixties. She had a long list of medical problems and her prognosis wasn't good. Essentially it was a matter of diet or die.
Diets had failed her. Her eating was out of control. Her health didn't allow for an intensive exercise program.

This surgery was her last ditch effort to survive. And remarkibly, there was a young Doctor in our small Northern Minnesota town who had trained to implant the lap-band. She was one of his first local patients.

Today I saw her for the first time since I interviewed her.
The minimally invasive surgery was a success. Not only is she surviving...She is thriving.
As her weight began to drop, she began to feel better. Her medications were reduced and she started an exercise program.
She has lost more than 125 pounds. She is no longer on medication.
She is a new woman.

For her, weight loss surgery was life saving and life giving.
Some of us can adopt positive lifestyle changes without surgery and find success.
There are those, however, who need additional tools to regain their health.
In Minnesota, health insurance companies pay for this surgery. They realize that weight loss can reduce the high cost of medical care.
Other states do not pay.

I am not judging this surgery process. I am not promoting this
process. All I am saying is it worked in this case.

I am so happy for this woman now so full of life.
I know had this relatively new proceedure not been available...she probably wouldn't have been here today. Or at the very least, her medical problems would have limited her lifestyle.

My though for today---even in the darkest hour...a light is burning somewhere. We just need to open our eyes and find it.

Have a great Valentines weekend. I hope your hearts are strong and you are surrounded by faith, hope and love.

(for information you can "Google" lap band. I didn't find information about this woman's doctor on the web but I did find the link below that offers a little info on the process.)

Friday, February 11, 2005

Feb. is Heart Healthy Month....

One in two women will die of cardio vascular disease. Age does not protect you...but you can protect yourself. Knowledge is Power.

Know your "numbers."
Work to reduce your risks.

Follow this link to my TV station's website. You can watch two of my stories that aired this week focusing on women and heart disease.

Remember--your heart belongs to those who love you.
Happy Valentine Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Sissies update...

Recently I mentioned some magnets I found featuring mature adults who were buff and living a strong, healthy life.
Well I have learned the photographer is Etta Clark. Etta has two books out---featuring her champions. The link below will take you to her website. Also you can look at some of her athletes. I'm telling you what...if you need'll find it at the link below.

I'll be waiting to hear what you have to say about these amazing photos.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Q and A

John Lesko asks:
As a BFL Champion, Michelle, what do you think of the rights, honors, and responsibilities you have to the community? I'm curious to learn of your thoughts on this topic ...

Dear John,
You always ask the hard questions! This is all pretty new to me but I will try to give you some answers. First let me say I take each... very seriously and my self-promise is to continue my transformation. As you know, BFL is much more than a 12 week program. It is a lifestyle program for life. As a result I continue to set goals and work toward achieving them.
  • rights earned: Well I know its "right" that I keep following the roadmap laid out by the BFL program. It would be wrong for me to do anything else. As the consequences wouldn't be pretty. While I have established a new lifestyle I know that old habits are waiting in the wings to reclaim the ground they lost. I know that any "rights" I have earned as a 2004 BFL Champion must be earned every day for the rest of my life.

  • Honors: They have been pretty amazing. The Champions Jacket, The Watch, The Check....not to mention the National recognition. Then there are the compliments from family and friends. The honor of gaining new friends via the BFL program. The honor of hearing my Doctor say "Job well done." Again--these honors are earned. They like any other honor can be lost a lot easier than they are won!

  • Responsibilities: First to myself. I must continue to honor my self-promises and work my program everyday for the rest of my life. I must continue to thank my family for allowing me the time to work my program. I must continue to help others in any way I that they too can adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I must also tread lightly in the methods I use to inspire others. Each of us must hit bottom before we can truely begin to make changes in our lives. As crazy as I am about the value of this program and its successes ...I'm finding it best to be a good role model and help those who reach out for help. It's pointless to pound people over the head...and expect them to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

So John, I am sorry that I rambled tonight...I hope some of this makes sense. Thank you for your support over the past year. I consider you one of the pillars in my BFL support system.

Your bfl bud,


Monday, February 07, 2005

Compliments are due!

I have never been a "refridgertor magnet" kinda person. But several months ago I found two that really spoke to me. One features a woman in her 70's buff as can be...the other a man in his seventies ripped to perfection.

The caption on both reads: "Growing Old Isn't For
(a Betty Davis quote)

These magnets are now front and center on our fridge.
My husband and I often look at them and say---that's our goal!
This weekend we were at our local gym and my husband had just finished his work out. I looked at him and smiled.
He said, "What?"
I said..."Wow, you look better than a refrigerator magnet!"
We both started laughing.
What a compliment huh?

Of course--this has now become one of our favorite catch phrases.

Just a note on the male magnet.
I called the company that sells them.
The story goes--this man died two years ago...he was in his 90's and he was nearly as buff as when he was in his 70's.
His family and friends wanted to pay him a tribute at his funeral.
They bought enough magnets to cover his metal coffin.
After the funeral each friend got to take one off the coffin to keep in his memory.

I guess the moral of this little story is---live strong and
leave a lasting memory.

And if you have the hard enough to look
better than a refrigerator magnet!