Lap-band surgery
Diets had failed her. Her eating was out of control. Her health didn't allow for an intensive exercise program.
This surgery was her last ditch effort to survive. And remarkibly, there was a young Doctor in our small Northern Minnesota town who had trained to implant the lap-band. She was one of his first local patients.
Today I saw her for the first time since I interviewed her.
The minimally invasive surgery was a success. Not only is she surviving...She is thriving.
As her weight began to drop, she began to feel better. Her medications were reduced and she started an exercise program.
She has lost more than 125 pounds. She is no longer on medication.
She is a new woman.
For her, weight loss surgery was life saving and life giving.
Some of us can adopt positive lifestyle changes without surgery and find success.
There are those, however, who need additional tools to regain their health.
In Minnesota, health insurance companies pay for this surgery. They realize that weight loss can reduce the high cost of medical care.
Other states do not pay.
I am not judging this surgery process. I am not promoting thisMy though for today---even in the darkest hour...a light is burning somewhere. We just need to open our eyes and find it.
process. All I am saying is it worked in this case.
I am so happy for this woman now so full of life.
I know had this relatively new proceedure not been available...she probably wouldn't have been here today. Or at the very least, her medical problems would have limited her lifestyle.
Have a great Valentines weekend. I hope your hearts are strong and you are surrounded by faith, hope and love.
(for information you can "Google" lap band. I didn't find information about this woman's doctor on the web but I did find the link below that offers a little info on the process.)