The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, October 07, 2005

day 19

(Note to readers. This blog is also published on the website under their community links. I just thought some of you might be wondering who the people are that I have been mentioning of late in these posts.)

Greetings BFL buds! Hey...isn't this fun. We are building our best bodies ever and learning that our personal experiences are part of the "Universal BFL experience." If you have any doubt, pull up yesterday's blog featuring Steve's question about negative talk from others.
Thanks to each of you for your thoughtful commentaries. They really spoke to me loud and clear; I am not alone in navigating the mine fields we must move through as we create our own BFL.

As I read the comments again this morning I was struck by just how much we all share in our efforts to grow mentally, physically and spiritually.
One thing I know for our friends and family watch our stunning transformations...they too will jump on the BFL path and treasure their own transformations!
We are such a united force. And I believe as we add soldiers in this battle of Obesity we will win the war.

It's day 19!! We are moving into the final two days of week three. Lets make them count in the gym, in the kitchen....and work and in our homes!

Earlier in the week I asked for topics for future blogs as we turn this month into our power month of change. I will be offering up those suggestions in the days that come. Yesterday's blog added a new demention to Steve's question and I wanted to throw that out to the rest of you. It comes from:

Great post and comments all, but what does one do when the negative talk comes from your own self doubt, when you are your own worst enemy? What do you all do when that little voice says that it is more important to "fill in the blank" than get your workout in, or get home on time for a nutritious meal and a good night’s sleep? I know, I know, tell yourself you’re worth it...but how do you make yourself BELIEVE it?

Great question. How do we turn around that negative self-talk?
Please share your secret weapon!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Day 18

Day 18….
There are just 66 more days to the end of our Ultimate BFL Challenge!
For the past 18 days you have worked hard to make “You” a top priority in your life.
And it’s working! Thanks to balanced nutrition, supplementation and resistance training you are looking better each day.
The compliments are starting to roll in and they make you even more determined to see this process through to the end.

We are learning to “delete” the unhealthy habits in our lives. We eagerly “cut, paste and save” healthy habits and each day we move those to the top of our daily list of tasks.
But as we move through this transformation process…. keep in mind the dynamics in some of our personal relationships may also change.
In the weeks to come it’s possible you may find that those deleted habits were the only thing you may have had in common with some of the people in your life.

For the most part, I have seen my relationships with my friends and family members grow stronger…thanks to Body for Life. This program has also brought many new friends into my life.

Unfortunately I have also felt the pain of strained relationships with friends who tried but failed to sabotage my efforts.
--A piece of cake won’t KILL you!
--You‘re going to make yourself sick!
--You don’t want to go out anymore! (Pizza night, Beer night…etc.)
--You are turning into such an old lady!
--You are acting like a Kid!
--You have become obsessed with this crazy program!
And my favorite:
--Why bother girlfriend…you’ll only gain it back!

I tried to explain my goals…but the more I talked to them the more frustrated they became. They wanted the old Michelle and I was unwilling to give up the new Michelle.
Once I figured that out…. I realized there’s a lot I’ll give up for my friends…but giving up my health is not an option.

As for those old friends who want the old me? I won’t delete them from my life just yet. I’ll put them in the save file and hope that one day they’ll be inspired as I have been… to create their own Bodies for Life. When they do---I’ll be there to help them.

And that brings me to today’s topic courtesy of Steve in Minneapolis, Minnesota who asks: How do you deal with negative talk from friends and family?

Day 17

First a word of thanks to Mary, Pete, Steve, Robin, Diana, Rose and Jess for the great comments and suggestions for future Blog topics.
Our goals this month include turning that Calender Red--(the most powerful color of all) and I know just as we can hit each day of this month with our best efforts at the gym and in the kitchen...we will fill each of those days with tips to move us forward in our journey to gain and maintain our Bodies for Life.

Today is day 17. It is so exciting. We have resolved to be healthier and in better shape. Each of those days represents a powerful step in reaching those goals! Before we know it....we'll reach out and grab them for good!

Today's topic is brought to us by Pete in Radford, Va. who asks:
What type of Motivational material do people use?
Great question!

Limiting my answer to just one Material Item in my arsenal of weaponry (which is tough) I'd say the full length mirror in our bedroom.
It tells me where I have been, where I need to go and WHAT I need to do to get there. Today it's telling me to focus on my ab work. When I finish my lower body workout today...I'll spend some extra time developing that six pack that I know is under that little poof of fat. (That fat will be gone at the end of our journey....and I want those abs front and center when I have that after photo taken in my bikini....RED of course!)

Now it's your turn.
Pete wants to know....."What type of Motivational material do you use" as you build your best body ever?

Day 16 we are cruising right along on this Ultimate BFL Challenge. Week three is here and we are making some amazing progress. Nothing is going to stop us...right? Right?

Well--a word of warning. Watch out for the bumps ahead.
For me one of those bumps is negative self-talk. Here's an example;

"Hey, Michelle, you are working pretty hard....don't you think you deserve a break? How about a day or two off from the gym?" That little voice whispers.
"No...I want to try a new exercise today!" I answer with conviction.
"Oh come on...a day off won't kill you. Besides you have been eating, sleeping and living BFL every minute for 15 days. You seem obsessed with this. Maybe if you kick back and relax...have a few cookies and forget about this program for a few days you can recharge and hit it much harder next week." The little voice adds with more volume.
"Well, I have been working mighty muscles are hurting and those cookies sound real tasty....maybe if I skip three of my small meals today and substitute a few cookies it won't hurt. And...maybe if I double up on my workout on Friday. Or I could triple up on it next Monday...." I respond.

Boy oh boy. That self talk can derail us in a hurry. It can set us back a day, a week or a year....before we know it we fall into such a deep hole that it takes a "giant effort" to muster up the strength to put our hands over our ears and take that step to get back on the BFL path.
I've been on this road for nearly two years now. I am learning to recognize those bumps before I hit them. Sometimes I fly right around them, sometimes they stop me in my tracks. When they do stop me I make sure I get right back on the road that very same day and continue my journey. That's the secret...getting right back on track.

Today's question: What bumps are you encountering and how are your moving past them?

Note: Steve emailed me an challenge me to turn my blogger calender red for the whole month of October. He suggested that I ask readers to come up with topics to discuss as we continue our challenge. I would love some imput! Have a great BFL Day!

Day 15

This challenge is going so fast! Just 10 weeks left! I know that you are making every minute count. While its been only two weeks since we made our self-promise to invest in ourselves...we are already reaping the dividends.

--Our hearts and bodies are growing stronger.
--Our minds are growing clearer.
--Our self confidence is climbing.
--Our posture is more erect and we are taking more pride in our dress.
We hold dear the rules that "if we fail to plan we plan to fail." Our success plan includes:
--small balanced meals and supplimentation.
--workouts and cardio.
--Daily visualization and making the mind-muscle connection.

By now family, friends and co-workers are starting to realize that we are commited to our new lifestyles. How could they not? We are away from home a little more often, we aren't eating the same things during lunch break and we may not be hanging out at happy hour. (Our happy hour is now found at the gym!) Some may be celebrating our self-promises while others might be expressing anger, fear...or frustration. Both reactions are to be expected.

It is up to us to let them know we love them, care about them and will be there when they need us. We also must let them know that we must give that same love and concern to ourselves.... It's all about balance. Balance is a good thing.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Day 14---FREEDAY!

Hello BFL Buddies. You've made it past week 2! Enjoy freeday! Eat, Drink and be tommorrow we jump right back into the program for the start of week 3.

--Congratulations John L. for your continuing commitment to BFL. Your dedication and determination to build and keep your best body ever is are your uplifting guestbook entries. Thanks for being apart of my excellent adventure!

--Janice B. you are also a major contributor and inspiration to me. You have embrace this program and have learned to dance to the BFL music day in and day out!

Yesterday, Janice asked me who Cindy S. was. Cindy is yet another one of my inspirations. I have had the honor to watch her spectacular transform this past year in person. Last night I had the pleasure of watching her take the stage in Red Wing, Minnesota to compete in her very first figure competition. She carried herself with beauty and grace. Judging by the cheers in the high school auditorium...Cindy was the crowd's favorite.
Rather than telling you more about Cindy I'll let her tell it. Please take a moment today to go to the BFL tracker site and pull up her profile. CindyExcited2bFit

In the coming days I hope she shares with us her photos from Saturday night's event.

While today is a freeday...I have one more assignment for you. Take a few moments to consider your own goals.
Cindy's was to complete her latest BFL challenge with a bang. Boy did she hit her ten with that goal.

Goals are the guiding light as we walk this path to our best bodies ever. Make sure yours is bright and focused!

Have a wonderful freeday deserve it!