The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Obsession vs compulsion

It happened again. Someone told me they thought I was way to obsessed with my new life style. This person went on to say I'm not as fun as I used to be. HUMMMMM?

Well, I have to admit I do think about Body for Life a lot. One of the first things I do each day with my morning cup of joe is to head to the guest book and then to the bog to offer a few words about BFL and how its changed my life.
I have to admit I spend a whopping 15 minutes each day packing my meals for the day.
I also admit to hitting the gym and exercising my body 5 to 6 times a week.
And I enjoy almost every minute of my new found mental, physical and spiritual health.

Does that sound like an obsession?
I tried to explain to my friend that prior to BFL I was compulsive and obsessed with be unhealthy. I would spend a lot of time in the morning figure out what to wear. What fit, what hid my fat...what made me look presentable etc. I would spend a lot of time late at night at my favorite grocery story trolling the bakery section looking for that sugary treat to keep me up on the long drive home.
The next day I would beat myself up all day long for breaking my promises of laying off the sweets and eating healthier foods.

I used to send a lot of time making up excuses for not going to a special event, knowing that it was because I just didn't feel good and certainly didn't look good.
Go to the beach? Go to the party? Go to a wedding? Wear sleeveless shirts in the heat? How on earth could I go anywhere looking as fat as I did?

Man oh man, I am getting tired just thinking about the "Bad old Days."

Sure I confess... I do think a lot about my new found health, my new body and my new mindset. But I psend a lot less time dealing with funky thoughts and figuring out what to wear....and how to medicate myself (with the wrong food) into being happy.

I admit I am a bit obsessed with keeping my health. But compared to my old obsession...I think I am in a healthy place. I tried to explain it to my friend. I hope she understands. After 50+ years I am.
Have a great day.
Your bfl bud,

PS....since adopting the BFL lifestyle what new "obsession" has entered your life??

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Today on the Body for Life Guestbook, BFL'er Tami from Snellville, GA asked who inspired you? There are some great responses and they got me thinking as well.

My inspiration came at Christmas time in 2002 when I ran into a friend at the local shopping mall. I hadn't seen Judy Tullius in months...and when I did bump into her...I nearly walked past her. Wow...Judy's transformation was amazing. So amazing that later I featured her as part of a series of reports on weight loss I put together for my television audience. By adopting the BFL program of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, resistance training and supplimentation Judy dropped many dress sizes and truly changed her life. Best of all...Judy continues to live her BFL lifestyle. She radiates health and beauty...and continues to promote the program through her words and actions.

When I saw what this program had given Judy I decided at that instant to adopt it as my own. My first effort ended after just four weeks. Six months later I picked up my BFL book, reread it and tried the program again. The second time was "charm," and I completed a full 12 week challenge. My third challenge brought me the title of 2004 BFL Champ, in the 50+ women's group. Victories earned all because I opened my mind to a new way of life. I owe my new life inpart to Judy and BFL...and my family who continues to support me every step of the way.

I can't help think that BFL is just like throwing a pebble into a calm pool of water. First the plunk... as the pebble hits it mark. Then the first ripple forms and and expands...sending positive energy through out the pool. More and more ripples follow. Action and reaction. First we are inspired, take action.....reaction follows and then we inspire! As a member of the BFL community we are all inspirations. We may never know just how many lives we change...but trust me we are changing them one powerful ripple at a time.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

News from the Front.....

Here are several news stories I've collected recently on the worldwide Battle of the Bulge that may be of interest to you....

--Researchers at New York University have just completed a study that indicates a larger waistline could mean a smaller paycheck for one group.(Yes that group is women.)
They found women with a larger body mass tend to have less household income. The same study showed men are not affected inthe same way!

--Human trials are underway to develop a vaccine to treat chronic obesity. A Swiss company called Cytos Biotechnology is taking advantage of a hormone that is a key factor in building and maintaining body weight. Called    Ghrelin this hormone stimulates appetite and eating. Researches say it is responsible for weight regains in peopel who have lost weight.

--From Japan...a new study in Mice is finding babies born undernourished moms had a hormonal change that could increase their risk for obesity. Now, more research is needed to see if this also happens in humans.

Magic bullets. Millions and millions of dollars are now being spent in their development to resolve the world's obesity problem and its many complications. (Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression....etc.)

My thought for the day; We all have a built in magic bullet. We just need to activate it. BFL shows us how to flip that switch. Exercise, balanced nutrition, weight resistance and supplimentation. And it doesn't cost millions. All it takes is goal setting, planning, community building and follow through.

Have a great BFL Day...and if you find an interesting story involving the great Battle of the Bulge please share it with us!
Your buddy, Michelle

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Promises kept

I was cleaning my home office this morning and came across my notebook I kept during my visit to the EAS Energy Camp for women in October of 2003. I can't tell you how frightened and excited I was as I made my way to that three day camp.
Frightened because I was embarking on a new adventure, Excited because I was embarking on a new adventure!

One of my notes involved a talk given by Shane Thomas from EAS.
Shane was the angel who called to tell me that I was accepted to attend the camp and as a result...was instrumental in my successful transformation.

During his talk, he challenged us to reach higher than we have ever reached before. He promised that EAS and its team would be there for us every step of the way if we accepted their challenge to be the best we could be.

Now nearly two years later that promise is still good as gold! The team at EAS continues to be there for me, and my sister campers. If we have a question about nutrition, exercise, supplementation...they are just a phone call away. They have helped to empower me in ways I never thought possible. I am so grateful to my friends in Golden, Colorado and know that when I hit a speed bump they are there for me. They have the roadmap to success and are willing to share it with anyone who accepts the challenge.

Another valuable lesson I took away from camp was to develop a "mission statement" for myself.
Here is what I wrote:
"My mission is to realize the best I can be. To work this simple program and succeed. I will become a powerful and strong person and once I master the skills needed to accomplish my goals I will share my knowledge with anyone who is ready to realize a Body for Life. My mission is and will continue to be to develop strength so that I can handle everything life hands me."

Today I encourage you to reach higher than you have ever reached before.
My question for you?
Do you have a mission statement? Please share it with me.
Have a great BFL Day!
Your buddy,

Monday, June 06, 2005

Week 2 begins of Michelle's Ultimate Transformation Challenge

I had to eat a modified diet yesterday and today. Yesterday clear preparation for a Colonoscopy today. Darn it the things we must do once we pass the big 5-0!
But as a woman, I know this test is essential to our wellbeing...hence, today...I had one.
All I will say is this. The prep is worse than the test. I can't remember much about the actual test...that's probably a good thing lol.

Tonight all I have managed to eat is an EAS Advantedge Bar and a glass of Myoplex.
tomorrow will be back in the game...hitting my tens and eating six square, balanced...dynamic meals a day.

As I am sitting here blogging tonight I can help but think how wonderful life is. And how much more pleasurable it is now that I am living the Body for Life lifestyle. It is such a high when your Doctor tells you how fit you are. And how impressed they are with your transformation. I wish hundreds of thousands more people could feel as good as me.

My goal continues to inspire others and gain inspiration from their own transformations.
That's whats so great about BFL. It allows us to build communities, to share successes and learn from our setbacks.
Here's to the best lifestyle around!
Have a great night.
yours truly;

Michelle the BFL'er for Life