Obsession vs compulsion
I have to admit I spend a whopping 15 minutes each day packing my meals for the day.
I also admit to hitting the gym and exercising my body 5 to 6 times a week.
And I enjoy almost every minute of my new found mental, physical and spiritual health.
Does that sound like an obsession?
I tried to explain to my friend that prior to BFL I was compulsive and obsessed with be unhealthy. I would spend a lot of time in the morning figure out what to wear. What fit, what hid my fat...what made me look presentable etc. I would spend a lot of time late at night at my favorite grocery story trolling the bakery section looking for that sugary treat to keep me up on the long drive home.
The next day I would beat myself up all day long for breaking my promises of laying off the sweets and eating healthier foods.
I used to send a lot of time making up excuses for not going to a special event, knowing that it was because I just didn't feel good and certainly didn't look good.
Go to the beach? Go to the party? Go to a wedding? Wear sleeveless shirts in the heat? How on earth could I go anywhere looking as fat as I did?
Man oh man, I am getting tired just thinking about the "Bad old Days."
Sure I confess... I do think a lot about my new found health, my new body and my new mindset. But I psend a lot less time dealing with funky thoughts and figuring out what to wear....and how to medicate myself (with the wrong food) into being happy.
I admit I am a bit obsessed with keeping my health. But compared to my old obsession...I think I am in a healthy place. I tried to explain it to my friend. I hope she understands. After 50+ years I am.
Have a great day.
Your bfl bud,
PS....since adopting the BFL lifestyle what new "obsession" has entered your life??