It's been awhile since I have posted here. I've been pretty darned busy...since my last entry.
For months I had been on a plateau, unable to drop those final ten pounds that have haunted me ever since I began the Body for Life Program.
Finally it dawned on me that in order to take it up a notch I would have to create and new, and big goal to work towards.
Enter my Friend, Cindy...who has competed in some Minnesota BB Figure shows.
I attended her first show last fall...and was amazed at her transformation.
For months I couldn't stop thinking about her success.
Then I started to think about doing a show myself.
Well, when the thought first entered my mind so did a lot of excuses.
Heck I'm over 50!
Heck I don't know if I can do all of that training!
Heck....Body Builders eat way to clean. They don't take a free day when they are in training.
As you can see I put lots and lots of roadblocks up.
But eventually, I began to dismantle them one by one.
In March I made a commitment to myself to enter a show.
I filled out the entry form, sent in my money, ordered my suits and my high heels....ordered a posing DVD AND ultimately hired a trainer who could show me the ropes.
Since March I have lost 13 pounds. The Show will be held at the Bloomington Jefferson High school on June 10, 2006.
I just turned 54. That will probably make me the oldest woman on the stage.
Does that scare me?
As I continue to reach for this newest goal...I see that taking the stage will be a victory over all of my fears and self doubts.
Training, eating clean...staying motivated. Yes its pretty hard. But rewarding you bet. Each day I look forward to my time in the gym. I make sure all my fuel is on hand.
If someone would have told me three years ago when I was 190 pounds...that I could do a Figure show I would have dropped by Ben and Jerrys and fallen off the couch.
I cannot say enough how much Body for Life continues to improve my life, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Today my posing suits arrived. They are really neat.
My good friend gave me a big mirror for my 54 birthday last friday so I could practice my poses.
My husband is my cheer leader.
Each day we just laugh out loud wondering where this second part of our lives together will take us.
We just celebrated our 25 year of very, very happy marraige.
Between now and June I'll be training like a fiend. While I am working as hard as I can...I know I am not working a fraction of what the stars in the Figure world do day in and day out. I have a whole new appreciation for women who grace my favorite fitness magazine.
I hope to continue updating this board frequently between now and June.
Check back.