The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Time to Change the tape?

What kinds of messages are you sending yourself?

Prior to adopting my healthy lifestyle I was obese. I had hit the big 5-0. I was wearing a size 14/16 dress. I was tired all the time and depressed with my life.
I used to tell myself:
--There was nothing I could do to turn life around.
--Diets didn't work for me.
--I was too tired to exercise.
And I figured that at my age there was really no point in making another failed attempt.

Thanks to that old tape playing in my head...I stayed fat, continued to feel old and wasn't a very happy person to be around.

Body for Life helped me hit the eject button, discard that old tape and create a new one filled with positive self-affirmations.

During my first BFL challenge, and those that followed I told myself that I was worth every effort to improve my health, mentally, physically and spiritually.
With each workout, each balanced meal, each visit to the Body for Life website...I began to erace those negative messages from my life and replace them with positive thoughts.

It took awhile but soon I became a new, happy me.
BFL showed me how to have faith in myself again.
Even though I have lost the weight I wanted to lose and have built new muscles I still do a "sound check" everyday to make sure my positive messages are audible and I'm receiving them.

What messages are you sending yourself?
Is it time to eject that old tape?

What negative messages are holding you back from your Ultimate Body for Life?
If there are any...please, hit eject and change the tape.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Red Bikini Society Poem

The RBS Pledge

When I grow healthy and fit I shall wear red..the most powerful color of all.

When I grow healthy and fit I shall wear red...the most powerful color of all. My wardrobe will include a hot, lipstick-red bikini to wear with pride on my strong, lean and toned body.

While others are snoozing in their chair or too lazy to get up, I will be first in line for a cardio machine at the gym.

When others go back for seconds, and thirds... I will continue to eat six, balanced meals a day to fuel my body so that I may work each muscle to its full potential.

While others shake their heads in sorrow and mourn their fading youth... I will proclaim; "age" is but a state of mind.

Each new day I will rejoice in the power of mind, body and spirit and do everything in my power to meet my golden years with a playful attitude wrapped in grace.

When others say they can't... I will be the first to say, "hey let's try!"

There are those who might think bikinis are inappropriate for a woman of a certain age...but their thoughts bare no truth!

With a wink and a smile, I'll show them real proof...

I'll search high and low and find that perfect suit and wear it with pride... a hot, lipstick-red bikini because, girl, I've nothing to hide!

(C) 2005 RBS

Check out

Have a great BFL DAY!
Your Bud,

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Revelations.....aren't they great?

Revelation: An act of revealing. Something revealed. An enlightening or astonishing disclosure.

Before BFL...I used to look at people who were strong and fit without an extra ounce of fat and think, "Sure--it must be great to have good genetics or a natural predisposition to health."

Boy was I walking around with blinders.

Today I realize just how hard those "Genetic" mutants work to look as good as they do.
When I see happy, strong and healthy people I make a point now to see what their secrets are. And work to incorporate their secrets into my own way of life.

What I find utterly amazing is that many of them stick close to the Body for Life Lifestyle.
We can’t pick our parents, but we can as adults, pick our lifestyles. BFL Works if you Work BFL.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Small victories...

After a few BFL challenges some folk find they can live their lives with a less complications...(read some victories here.)
One of my recent "victories" involves support pantyhose.

As many of you Sister BFL'ers probably know....the right pair can make a world of difference if you're carrying extra poundage. They can stop that jiggle in its tracks--hold back the bowl of jelly and they come in a variety of colors and textures.

Working in an office, I have bought my share of them over the years. I've even wore them in the heat of summer while wearing sandals! Some weeks on the "run" have seen me destroy a pair a day...I used to carry an extra pair in my car just in case. At $3.99 a pair replacing those modern marvels can take a big chunk out of the purse!

My purse is a little better off this summer. I'm saving $$$ thanks to BFL. All that cardio, resistance training and balanced nutrition has stopped the jiggle in its place, and emptied my bowl of jelly. For the past 6 weeks I have gone "sans' a hose" to work.
It's funny---after having been a prisoner to this beauty ritual for over 35 years...I thought for sure when I stopped wearing them...alarms would go off and the fashion police would surely arrest me. But--nobody seems to have noticed and no one has turned me in! My sandals don't slip...and my pedicure has lasted lots longer! I don't get overheating from wearing those tight womanish long-johns that come in a multitude of colors and textures.
Come the Minnesota Winter I'll have to force myself back into those hose...but for now I'm enjoying my latest victory!

Small victories. I'll take them in what ever form they come to me.
What small victory are you celebrating today? Please sure with us!