Your next emergency BFL meal is as close as the nearest WAL-MART!
The topic was supposed to be about a book on collectible pottery I wrote and published.
Needless to say....It took only a few minutes before the women wanted to know about my BFL transformation. I had talked to their group about three years and 50 pounds of fat ago. At that time I shared with them how difficult it was to be reaching fifty, being fat and being on television. I vowed at that time to find a way to get fit....Many of the women remembered that vow and had been watching me on television for signs of progress.
First a year went by, no progress, then a second year....A little progress...then came the third year and like magic I began to transform before their eyes on the nightly news.
Little wonder that they wanted me to share my "secrets" with them.
So...Last night I set aside my "standard book talk" and pulled out my before and after pictures which I carry with me at all times. I sent the pixs out into the audience....And laughed and said..."Ladies, I bet you would have never dreamed that tonight you would be looking at photos of Michelle Lee in a Bikini!"
When their laughter died down...We began and ernest talk about Heart Health, the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and the need to find a program that's fun!
I outlined the EAS program BODY FOR LIFE, suggested they check out the Body for Life website...and have their own before pictures taken. I also had with me about 25 BFL challenge entry packets I carry with me in case of an emergency. Those packets were gone in less than a minute!
Now if I have inspired just one of those women to get more active...Make better nutritional choices and build a healthier heart... that 150 mile trip last night will have been worth every bumpy miles of a Minnesota winter highway!
Getting back to that Wal-Mart thought now....When I left home yesterday I forgot to pack enough meals to see me through the night. Luckily...There were several Wal-marts along the way. I pulled into the nearest one and headed straight to the EAS section and found my favorite Chocolate Chip Brownie nutrition bar and a low carb shake.
It was a good thing I stopped, the dinner was a Ceasar Salad without protein and a white bun. My emergency WAL-MART provisions saw me through the evening and the long drive home.
Hence the thought for the day....Your next emergency BFL meal is as close as the nearest Wal-Mart!