The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Day 13!

Another Saturday has arrived. Since beginning our ultimate BFL challenge we are now two weeks stronger, leaner and healthier than we have been in years! (Or...months... as the case maybe.)

The weekends have always been pretty tough for me. Over the years I have learned that I function the best when I have structure.
Monday thru Friday I have my job. Each day I pretty much do the same things; Pack my meals, go to the gym, go to work, work and eat my 5-6 meals... and go home.

Oh but those weekends...anything can happen!
--Meals are sometimes delayed.
--Unexpected visitors drop by.
--Work out routines are switched around.
--Fill in the blanks.

These two days of the week have been my weakest link in the chain that I've forged during past challenges. In this challenge I've made up my mind to simply accept the fact that yes I can and will plan each day...but, I cannot control what happens outside my control.

Today, I'm going on a road trip with a good BFL buddy. I will take along several meals for the day. In the evening we'll stop at an eatery where we can order "clean." In between we will enjoy the fall colors, cheer on Cindy S. who is making her debut tonight in her first Fitness Contest. I won't be able to do my cardio today. But--hey...I can do it Sunday.

Tommorrow, I'll also putter around the house with my hubby and eat a few free day treats.

Yep! Another ah-ha moment. This "unstructured" time can be fun...if you do a little planning.

Today is day 13---Make it count!
Have a great BFL dAY!

Day 12 of the Ultimate BFL Challenge

There are less than two days to make make week two our best effort yet... as we build this new Body for Life!
I sure want to thank our buddies, Steve, Robin, Peter, Sylvia and Mike for yesterday’s advice on making the "Mind-Muscle" Connection. Today when I go into the gym I plan to use their techniques to really work it! I also was inspired as I read Wednesday’s comments from Donna, Fabio, John, Peter, Steve and the rest on measuring our progress.

Today I want to talk about "mixing" things up. While I was on the Champions for Life Cruise this past May---I mentioned to several champions that I was struggling to take my fitness to a new level. Everyone of them gave me the same advice.

"You gotta mix things up!"

Prior to adopting the BFL lifestyle I was deep in that rut that Porter Freeman talks about. My bad habits were killing me.
When I began my new life I really made major changes and I was rewarded many times over.

But as the challenges came and went...I ended up in a new rut.
I found myself eating the same meals. I also found comfort in doing the same workouts...and the same cardio exercises.
(Hey I least it was healthy! and I was keeping my weight off!)
The only problem was...I never broke through to a higher level of fitness.

Well, today I’m pproud to say...."I’m all over that!"
A couple of examples. First I was given a one month free membership to a big time gym in Duluth. A place where you can work out anytime. It has machines and free weights that until now I have only seen in books.
Prior to this challenge I was faithful to our small town’s cardiac rehab gym. A few machines and some treadmills. It was perfect when I weighed nearly two hundred pounds and didn’t want many people to see what I was up to. I am grateful I had the courage to walk in October of 2003. That little gym transformed my life. But I now realize its time to graduate.

Last Saturday when I walked into my new gym I was nervous and excited. Nervous because it was all new to me....and excited because I knew I was taking the first step to a higher level of fitness.

The second example is trying new life experiences. I have met many new friends during this BFL journey. Friends who respect their health and are eager to mix things up. One of them is Cindy R. in Hopkins. Tommorrow she will take part in her first Fitness Contest. Another BFL Buddy, Judy T. from Saginaw and I will travel to Red Wing, Minnesota to cheer Cindy on as she reaches for the stars.

BFL has brought so much into my life. Health, Friends...and new adventures. I now look forward to each new day.

Whether this is day 12 of challenge one or challenge five---remember you gotta "Mix things up!"

Today’s question---what are you doing to mix things up?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Day 11 of our Ultimate BFL Challenge

Description:By now you are probably feeling some mucles you havent felt in awhile. I know I am! My Tris, Pecs and Lats are talking back this morning!When I first began my BFL journey those names sounded mighty foreign to me..."whats a lat and where is it at?" You get the picture.Oh, but I was an expert when it came to fat. When I looked in the mirror I could easily spot that backfat, the jelly roll, the cellulite on my thighs. Those Major Fat Groups were burned into the muscle between my ears. Today---I am slowly losing touch with those groups as they fade from memory. That will happen for you too! (Another BFL Promise.)If you are new to the Body Transformation Game its time for a valuable lesson in the Major Muscle Groups. Today, grab you BFL book, find a mirror and study your body.(Dont be shy!) For reference turn to page 137. There youll find a picture of BP which illustrates those muscle groups. Look in the mirror....look beyond those Major Fat Groups. They will soon be history. --Now...say hello to your Pecs, Bis, Abs, Quads, Delts, Tris, Lats, Hamstrings, and calfs. --After locating a group--squeeeze tight and tell it you will be working hard to build it over the months to come. --During your resistance training, focus on the group you are working. Imagine that group growing stronger with each rep and flex at the proper point in the movement. Always make that mind--muscle connection. Todays question: How do you make that connection?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Challenge 1, Week 2, Day 10

Doesnt the title of our blog today look impressive? Theres something else thats even more impressive today---your transformation! "What?? What???....Dont I have to wait 84 days to be transformed?" You might be asking."No." She answered with assurance.The day your "mind" joined forces with your "body" to keep the self-promise to stick with the BFL transformed.Now, Some of you may be doubting your transformation in just ten short days. Some of that doubt may have come from your scale. (Most BFL experts will tell you to throw out that nasty, lying piece of equipment.) But....If youre like me...old habits die hard, really hard.For decades I have let the scale rule my thoughts and my self worth. Down a GOOD GIRL. Up a pound...BAD GIRL. You get the picture.Today on day ten, I couldnt resist jumping on the scale. Its one of those very expensive jobbies that register weight, water, body fat and probably would sing to me if I could figure out how to program it.......AFTER nearly ten days of clean eating, supplimentation and resistance training...Im down 1.4 pounds. Now in the old days of wacky diets I would have been down nearly ten pounds! Rather than beat myself up and throw in the towel this morning...I grabbed a trusted BFL tool; my 99 cent Wal-Mart tape measure. Waist down 3/4", Hips down 1/2", thigh down 1/4".The point is dont let the scale tell you how your Ultimate 12 week challenge is succeeding or failing. If you must, weight once a week or every ten days. And use your tape measure once a week to mark your success as you grow lean and toned.(A word of advice, make sure you measure yourself at the same time of the day. If you first measured before a workout...always measure before a workout....a good weight workout pump can add inches.)Housekeeping:Paul in Ireland...I loved your comments yesterday. Wish I could hear your talk. In fact I may steal your outline for my next one on this side of the pond! Peter your confidence is contagious! Ive caught it!On Mondays freeday question big thanks go to Mike, Janice, Tracey, Donna, Peter, Peter, Steve and Robin! Each of you has pointed out some important aspects of how we can have our cake and eat it too.Todays question: How are you measuring your progress and we cruise through our big BFL adventure?


We are cruising through week two...todays advice watch for SPEED BUMPS!On Todays guestbook, theres some great advice. Id like to repeat it for you here from Sarah who lives in EDMONTON, AB:"Looks like the dangerous do-overs are lurking. If youve messed up a day, a week, or two weeks, my advice to you is to KEEP GOING! Why? People who have the tendency towards "do-overs" also have the tendency never to finish because theyre chasing the very illusive perfect challenge. None of us are perfect, learn from your mistake and move on. "Sarah...You are preaching to the Choir, girl. I cant begin to tell you how many do-overs I have had in the past several months. Each time I promised myself that this one was going to be the PERFECT challenge. Each time I hit a speedbump and came to a crashing hault Id decide "come Monday...Ill start again." The result was...Id never move off center and remained in a a stagnant pool of guilt and frustration...stranded in that nasty land of Plateaus. There are no Perfect Transformations; there are lackluster ones, there are good ones and then there are Earth Shaking Transformations that are life changing. You hold the key (YOUR MIND) to this car(Your Body)! Keep that owners manual handy and study it carefully(The BFL BOOK). Maintain it, fuel it properly and take it out for a daily spin. It will repay you with a lifetime of smooth, effortless rides...with the power and drive to move beyond those nasty speed bumps that can and do block our path.Resist the idea of "do overs." Keep moving forward and in 12 weeks the earth will shake for you!Todays question---How committed are you to the next 73 days?

Week 2 begins!

I am so proud of you! You have stuck with it and today you have moved into week two. I hope you enjoyed Sundays freeday. A quick word here about the day following freeday; You might be feeling a bit sluggish today. There may be a feeling of bloat, maybe a headache...or even a twinge of guilt. After my first freeday I felt it all. Then another BFLer reminded me that those feelings are there for a purpose.#1)It reminds our brain how we used to feel every day when we over loaded our plates and laid around like a slug.#2)It reminds our body that we are not going through famine. That yes, food is readily available...and we dont have to go into starvation mode.The good news is, by this time tommorrow you will be feeling fresh, alert and full of energy again, If you jump back onto the Body for Life program today and continue to build your best body ever.As we start week two, remember to rotate your resistance exercises. Last week we did two upper and one lower body workouts. This week it will be two lowers and one upper. Cardio remains the same. Carry that BFL book into the gym and study the pictures for proper form. These first couple of weeks is all about mastering the program. Even if you feel right now that you dont have a clue---keep doing this and you will solve the mystery of maintaining a muscled and toned body...YOURS! Remember---consistancy is key.Now some house cleaning chores. --Friday---we got lots of responses to Steves suggestion that everyone share their "Eureka Moment." Donna, Robin, Peter, Sylvia and Steve shared theirs. Please go to my 0/23/05 blog and read them. Moments like those will soon be yours!--Note to Kathleen in California. Hey Girl we ARE doing this together! Thats one of the BFL secrets for success.--Paul in Ireland. Congrats on the successful challenge. I wish I could be at your hear your inspirational story. Of course your sprinters are welcome to join the fun here. The more the merrier.--John in VA, mmmmmmmm that Freeday Potato sounded tasty!--Peter in VA....I love it! You WILL be finally fit at 45.....cause you are ALMOST there at 44! 13% BF. Can you hear me cheering?Question for today:

Day7 Free Day

Yipee. I am doing my Snoopy Dance today. Its freeday. We dont have to do nothing..unless we want to. How will I spend the day?Ill be cooking and planning my workouts for the week to come. My dear hubby and I will hang around the house...there a small landscaping project if the weather clears. If it doesnt we may even go to the gym. Thats right...the gym on a freeday.You really are free to do what ever you want today. Go to the gym or not go to the gym. Take a long nap--watch tv, catch up on household chores...or read a good book.I may splurge and eat "dirty" or I may eat "clean" (six small, balanced meals today...)Freeday is just that...a day free to do what ever we want.The decision is up to each of us. Talk about empowerment.Enjoy your day--youve worked hard and you deserve to spend it anyway you see fit!


Congratulations! You have made it to day six. The end of "week one" of our Ultimate BFL challenge. Make this day count. Really hit your tens on cardio and then kick back and feel good about this weeklong investment in yourself. Tommorrow is freeday. Hit the couch if you want. Eat what you want. Take some time to plan out week two. Make sure you have the right foods in the house. Grill up some chicken breasts for the new week ahead. Remember those who fail to plan, plan to fail.This morning I attended the Twin Ports Heart Walk in Beautiful Downtown Duluth, Minnesota. It was such an amazing sight to see nearly two thousand walkers dedicated to raising money to wipe out heart disease, the number one killer of Americans. From Hurricane relief to disease prevention to Breast Cancer Awareness...there are so many causes that need our attention.Today---take a moment to consider how you can improve the lives around you. Make a commitment to take action. And then "Do it!" Todays question:What is your favorite cardio exercise and how do you know when you hit your ten?


Day five has arrived! Consider BFL the engine. Consider each day an empty box car...our opportunity to fill up with exercise,nutrition,supplimentation to build out best bodies ever! Congratulations for being a part of this magnificent and noble effort. We are the little engine that could. The one that will turn this nations health crisis around. We are making the effort. We are influencing our family, friends and complete strangers to take a look at their own lifestyles. And I am convinced through our success we will inspire thousands of others who will then inspire millions!Hold up your hand. Count the fingers. Five. Give me a high five! We have nearly completed our first week of the rest of our lives. As each week passes we will look better, feel better and be better. That is the Body for Life promise! Now promise yourself to end this first week on a high note. Work hard, eat clean and prepare to enjoy yourself when Freeday arrives. Youll deserve it.Steve from the Twin Cities emailed me with the suggestion for todays topic for discussion.He calls it our "BFL Eureka Moment." This is the breakthrough moment that is so unexpected, so sudden, and so spectacular they can only be attributed to being in this program. As Steve Discribes it, "this moment is so uplifting that it provides inspiration and enthusiasm for the next several weeks."Today we want to hear about your "BFL Eureka Moment."


This first week of our ultimate BFL Challenge is screaming by...arent you excited that youre not being left behind? In yesterdays blog Tracey, Peter, Janice, Sylvia and Mike shared their insight about how we "gotta want this."THEY ARE RIGHT! Wanting it IS key. Weve begun to push this ball up the hill, the momentum is building....we need to put our shoulder into it and keep pushing. If in this first week you screwed up...dont give up!! Remember, nobody is perfect. There are no PERFECT challenges. But there are many, many successful challenges that prove time and time again this program works if we want it enough, we put the work in and keep moving forward.Today Id like to focus on some not so "secret BFL weapons" to aid you in your efforts.The first is your water! Are you drinking enough water? Prior to BFL I didnt drink it straight. I had to mix it in coffee...and lots of get me going each day. The rest of my day was spent sipping on colas. (Hey it was diet!) When I decided to drink water straight---consistantly through the day good things began to happen. It really is the stuff of the Fountain for Youth. Todays assignment---carry that water bottle around like your favorite blankie and use it frequently.The second is sound nutrition and supplimentation. Follow the recommended dietary list in the BFL Book and add supplimentation. Remember you are recreating every cell in your body. You must provide it with those essential building blocks. When it comes to supplimentation you have got to find a nutrition product that fits YOUR goals. My CURRENT goal is to lose that layer of body fat that many women have that covers up those killer abs we have been working hard to develop. Theres also that issue involving a tiny bit of "backfat." To remove those trouble spots during this challenge I am eating balanced meals which include Myoplex lite bars and myoplex carb sense meal replacement powder. I am also using Thermo DynamX and Carb DynamX.Today, drink your water...take a look at your goals and consider whether suppliments will help you reach them. Not quite sure which ones to use? The experts at EAS are just a phone call away. Theyll help you find the right ones for you. Call 1-800-297-9776.Now on to the days question; what is your favorite "secret weapon?"for building your Body for Life?


Bonnie from Tacoma writes in the guest book today..."80% of success is showing up."Please on this third day of the Ultimate up. You are worth every second you invest. In yesterdays blog so many of you shared your "last straw," the event that propelled you into your new, healthy lifestyle. I understand the pain each has suffered in the past...and I celebrate your new zest for life!Pan, Kat, John, Fabio, Janice, Donna and Robin all stepped out of their comfort zone to change their lives. You can too!Today is day three. Its over the hump day---midway thru week one! You may be feeling a few aches and pains. First...I have found in my own experience that mild to moderate aches and pains are normal. I look at them as a "symptom" of positive change. They mean you are waking up your sleeping giant, breaking away from old, unhealthy habits....and finally reaching for your goals! (If those pains are severe--and consistant, please consider visiting with a trainer or your Doctor to make sure it isnt something more.)You may also be wondering if:A)You are doing things right. B) If this is worth the trouble.--If you are following the BFL book you are doing things right.--And yes...every step you take along the path toward health this week is worth every inch of new ground captured!Week one is all about education and adjustments. --Learn how to hit your tens.(Remember they are your tens, dont compare them to others.--Learn portion sizes and dont let anything stop you from eating at least every three hours of your waking days. (Gotta keep that blood sugar stable and a steady supply of fuel going to those re-awakening muscle fibers!) --Remember to spend a moment or two today envisioning your "new" BFL body. As BFL Champ Cindy Homan says, "Theres a lot going on under the hood right now" ...your efforts are already making a difference.--Surround yourself with champions! Their success does rub off!Porter Freeman tells us, "You gotta want it."Todays question. How bad do you want what BFL has to offer?


First, Id like to start out by thanking Peter, Fabio, Ray, Steve, Conrad, Bonnie, and Robin for their powerful advice on yesterdays blog focusing on Day one. After reading their posts I got really pumped and my BFL efforts took a giant step forward! Thanks!Today--as we begin day two of our Ultimate Challenge some of you might be feeling a little sore. That first workout may take a day or two to get over. Just learning proper form, the proper tempo, and the equipment can be overwhelming but trust the days and weeks speed by you will become an expert in the gym. Make sure you check out the tips in the Body for Life book. Its like having a trainer at your disposal 24/7.As you begin this second day...Id like you to consider the reason you decided to change your mind and your body. Was it an event, a comment...or a feeling that made you decide to bury for good your old, unhealthy habits?For me, the defining moment didnt come during a weigh in, nor did it come following a warning from my Doctor. It came during a shopping trip for a pair of new summer shorts at the "Fat Lady" store. I found my way to that store after I couldnt find anything at the "regular" store...that didnt bunch up in thighs. As I purchased my new shorts the sales clerk asked if I wanted to open a charge. I didnt hesitate. When I got home I realized that new charge card was my ticket to grow as big as I wanted. (Now I could always find clothes that fit.)Well---that was my turning point...the day I decided to make change.What was your last straw? Please share with us as we build the Ultimate 12 week transformation challenge.

Day one

During the last week or so I have ask you your advice on the "Perfect" or Fantasy Challenge and many of you have responded. If you didnt have a chance to read these blogs...consider taking a few minutes today to scan them. There are a lot of great ideas to inspire us in our transformation efforts.Today is day one of our fantasy challenge. For years and years...Ive always started my self improvement efforts on a Monday. But in the past by Wednesday I was either leaning or falling off the wagon. By Friday I was beating myself up and giving up....only to restart my efforts on the Next Monday. This cycle continued for years and I could never seem to get serious about transforming my body, mind and spirit.Body for Life gave me the tools I needed to knit together weeks of success and build confidence in my abilities to get the job done! Today is Monday. Weve changed our minds--now lets change our bodies!The weekends excess is history. Dont beat yourself up over past mistakes. Today give yourself permission to start with a clean slate...keep your self promise to follow the BFL program; build your support systems, go after those hard thought out goals, and make these next twelve weeks count toward your personal best!Dont let anyone tell you you cant do this...or that you will fail. As the saying goes---"failure is not an option." Follow the Body for Life Program as your life depends on it. Because, ultimately it will.The latest research tells us obesity and a sendentary life style slices years from our lives. This double negative has been show to cause cancer, diabetes, sleep apnea, pre-mature aging...the list of ailments are long.Whether today is day one of your 12 week transformation, day 14 or day combining exercise, solid nutriton and supplimentation you hold the power to grow heathy and expand your life. Make it a Body for Life! The question for today? What advice do you have for those embarking on day one of their Ultimate BFL transformation?