There are less than two days to make make week two our best effort yet... as we build this new Body for Life!
I sure want to thank our buddies, Steve, Robin, Peter, Sylvia and Mike for yesterday’s advice on making the "Mind-Muscle" Connection. Today when I go into the gym I plan to use their techniques to really work it! I also was inspired as I read Wednesday’s comments from Donna, Fabio, John, Peter, Steve and the rest on measuring our progress.
Today I want to talk about "mixing" things up. While I was on the Champions for Life Cruise this past May---I mentioned to several champions that I was struggling to take my fitness to a new level. Everyone of them gave me the same advice.
"You gotta mix things up!"
Prior to adopting the BFL lifestyle I was deep in that rut that Porter Freeman talks about. My bad habits were killing me.
When I began my new life I really made major changes and I was rewarded many times over.
But as the challenges came and went...I ended up in a new rut.
I found myself eating the same meals. I also found comfort in doing the same workouts...and the same cardio exercises.
(Hey I least it was healthy! and I was keeping my weight off!)
The only problem was...I never broke through to a higher level of fitness.
Well, today I’m pproud to say...."I’m all over that!"
A couple of examples. First I was given a one month free membership to a big time gym in Duluth. A place where you can work out anytime. It has machines and free weights that until now I have only seen in books.
Prior to this challenge I was faithful to our small town’s cardiac rehab gym. A few machines and some treadmills. It was perfect when I weighed nearly two hundred pounds and didn’t want many people to see what I was up to. I am grateful I had the courage to walk in October of 2003. That little gym transformed my life. But I now realize its time to graduate.
Last Saturday when I walked into my new gym I was nervous and excited. Nervous because it was all new to me....and excited because I knew I was taking the first step to a higher level of fitness.
The second example is trying new life experiences. I have met many new friends during this BFL journey. Friends who respect their health and are eager to mix things up. One of them is Cindy R. in Hopkins. Tommorrow she will take part in her first Fitness Contest. Another BFL Buddy, Judy T. from Saginaw and I will travel to Red Wing, Minnesota to cheer Cindy on as she reaches for the stars.
BFL has brought so much into my life. Health, Friends...and new adventures. I now look forward to each new day.
Whether this is day 12 of challenge one or challenge five---remember you gotta "Mix things up!"
Today’s question---what are you doing to mix things up?