The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Red Bikini Society members wanted

I can just see the headlines....This is a movement that will truely rock the world. (Or at the very least our little corners of the world.)

Now repeat after me.

When I grow old I shall where Red---the most powerful color of
all. My wardrobe will include a hot, lipstick red bikini that I will wear with pride on my strong, lean and toned body.

--When others sit in their rocking chairs at the nursing home wasting away, I will be first in line for a cardio machine at the gym.

--When others go back for seconds, and thirds--I will
continue to eat six, balanced meals a day to fuel my body so that I may work my muscles to their full potential.

--When others shake their heads in sorrow and remember the joyous days of their youth...I will rejoice in the power of mind, body and spirit and do everything in my power to maintain my health.

--When others say they can't...I will be the first to say, let me try!

--When others don their red hats and purple dresses in the hopes of shedding the cloke of the invisable...I will turn a deaf ear to those who might consider it "inappropriate" and with a wink and a smile... I will be the first to wear a hot, lipstick red bikini because I can.

As members of the Red Bikini Society it will be our duty to share the secrets to greater physical, mental and spiritual others who say...

"when I grow old I shall wear a hot lipstick red bikini because I can!

Remember, a playful life is a life worth living!

The Red Bikini Society rules!
With great respect I remain you humble Queen Mother,
Michelle in Moose Lake

Champion's Jacket is on its way....!

I got a call from Body for Life today. They wanted to know what size I needed for my official Champion's jacket.
I didn't want to waffle on the size so I asked for a medium. While I am a size six I am 5' 8" tall so I figure a medium will work just fine. The exciting thing is--these are custom made...and they only go to BFL champs.
Owning one will mean I really belong to an amazing circle of strong, powerful and healthy people.
Can life get any better?

My Ultimate Transformation continues. I am really working hard. I want to be in the best shape ever when the Champions' for Life cruise sets sail in May.
The passenger list continues to grow. I can't wait to meet all of the people I have corresponded with during my Body For Life Journey. These folks are at the core of my support group. I really could not have transformed had it not been for them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Goals and rewards

I'm starting to figure this stuff out...really I am.
All of my successful physical fitness challenges had a couple of things in common. I set goals and positive rewards for meeting them.

As I moved into this second week of "Michelle's Ultimate 12 week
challenge" I really struggled with eating and steering clear of my trigger

Now its starting to dawn on me what the problem might be.

I forgot to set a new goal!

I had already reached all the old ones...I lost weight, got fit and got into a size six. Heck I even reached the big one---I won an International Fitness transformation contest.

So today I announce my new goals!

  • I will condition myself to run on a treadmill for a full 20 minutes using the HIT system.
  • I will help five people in the next 10 weeks to adopt a healthier lifestyle
  • I learn to say and mean "I don't eat chocolate" (Mary Wade)
  • And last but not least--I will buy a red bikini to wear on the Champions for Life cruise in May of 2005!

So as you can see I have set down my goals and have planned a reward. I can't wait to cruise with a ship full of champions and soon to be champions! I hope to see you there. If you do....forget about the Red Hat Society. Think Red Bikini Society!

(c) 2005 Michelle D. Lee

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Too much of a good thing!

For the past several days--I've allowed my success to cloud my better judgement and weaken my resolve to maintain a healthy body.

After learning the great news about being a 2004 BFL champ...everyone,
including me wanted to celebrate. For me--celebrations have always
ment...special foods, special treats laden with sugar and fat--etc.

Over the past year I have limited "that" type of celebration to once a
week during my freedays. And it's been extremely successful!

No so... these past several days. While I have worked out at the gym
as planned--my food plan went out into the snowbank.

I have to admit here free day stretched into two. And then a third day hit with me hitting of all my trigger foods. Porter Freeman is right---those bad habits never go away..they just wait.

Growing up in a family of alcoholics I have always been one to handle bad news well. I seek sollutions to problems and resolve them quickly. That is one of my talents. (Just call me the fixer!)

It's always been the Good News I have trouble with.
These questions may sound weird to those who are not impacted in some way by the disease of alcoholism, but here goes--
  • How does one handle a crisis consisting of Good News?
  • How does one handle the knowledge that some people will be looking to me as a role model with all the answers? Or that others will be waiting for me to fail and fall back into my old, unhealthy lifestyle?

Today--I am working hard to remain on the right path and learn to graciously accept(without guilt--or the feelings of inadequacy) the attention my success has brought.

I realize that if I really want a Body for "LIFE" a healthy and nuturing lifestyle will have to be for life!
(C)2005 Michelle D. Lee

Monday, January 17, 2005

The start of week 2... was 40 below this Northern Minnesota and I really didn't want to leave the house and go to the gym. Frankly a hot cup of coffee and watching the Ellen Show was the only thing on my to do list.

But my husband insisted...I whinned.
He then put the pressure on.
"Now, are the champ. Do you think Champs let a little cold
weather stand in the way of their victory?" He said sweetly--hitting the TV remote .

He had a point...I went right to our bedroom, put on my workout clothes, then a wind suit, and them a winter jacket, hat, mittens and boots.

We did the Minnesota Shuffle into the car and hit the gym. (Talk about your warm up time!)

When we got to our little cardio rehab gym there were several hearty souls already there--working hard.
Inspired by their dedication...I worked hard too.

It really is what a person does most of the time--that determines what a person becomes. ..and a support system is an essential part of success. Thanks Hon---for reminding me.
(C) 2005 Michelle D. Lee

Sunday, January 16, 2005

By now some of you may have seen or heard my news...

I have been selected Grand Champion, Women 50+ in the 2004 BFL 12 week Challenge.
Still haven't been able to wrap my mind around that one folks!

Frankly when I didn't get a call or visit in December of 2004 I thought I
hadn't made the cut.
Of course I threw a PITY PARTY like there was no tomorrow.
And then I decided that wasn't fun so I created a new challenge. Michelle's
Ultimate Challenge which began a week ago. (My goal is six pack

Two days into this challenge, I got a call from Porter Freeman. (Tuesday late afternoon.) I
thought for sure it was a joke.
It was pretty close to winner announcement day (Friday) and had all but given up
I think I said something brilliant like..."Get outta here." So
Minnesotan don't yah think?
He said..."Maybe I'd better call you back some time."
No way I screamed.
Then it hit me...It was for real.
I started to cry, I was speechless. Porter finally said...are you
Blubbering threw my tears I said...yes...I still can't believe it.
Believe it honey--your won!!!
Then Marc Bennett got on the phone. At which time I blurted out--but I don't have my six pack yet! (lol)

Both Porter and Marc were in an
airport somewhere flying from champion to champion giving them the good
news, their jackets, their oversized checks and gold watches.
They were sorry they couldn't see me in person--but hey...let me tell
you a phone call is just as sweet!

After I got the call I called my husband who had the same reaction as I. (Not surprising in that he had to watch the Pity Party a week earlier.)
These past several days have gone by in a whirl. I have received flowers, phone calls....and many e-mails from my BFL buds.
The news is still sinking in.
I don't know where this new journey will be taking me...but I will share it with you all on this blog site.

There have been a few of you who have asked If I followed the BFL program during my transformation. Yes, I followed it to the best of my ability--and by the book.
Some freedays were a little too free. Over the past four challenges--some freedays slopped over into a second day. Especially when the moon's pull was wreaking havoc on my body cycles.
But all in all...YES I followed the exercises and nutrition to a "T".
Yes I worked hard to practice the Universal Law of Reciprocity.
Yes I formed support networks among family and friends....
and Yes--I'm going to do this for life. Cause my life depends on it.

If you are considering or are just starting your BFL challenge I congratulate you and encourage you to be in the game to win!
2005--someone is going to win a million dollars. It may as well be you!

(C)2005 Michelle D. Lee