The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, May 13, 2005

The high maintenance club.

After years of doubt I have come to the conclusion there is nothing wrong with being "high maintenance." In fact .its very right...especially if the goal is a healthy mind, body and spirit!

Many of us have spent years taking care of everyone around us. Often at our own expense. The BFL program draws attention to the fact that we too must be maintained.
When we adopt the EAS/BFL program and begin feeding our bodies nutritiously and working our muscles we are honoring ourselves and those we love.

The rewards come on a daily basis.
I used to think the idea of being a High Maintenance woman or man was some how selfish or wrong.
That was my old way of thinking.
One of the rewards of taking care of my own needs that I have more strength to serve the ones I love.

Where to start? The list can be as long or as short as you want to make it.
The most important first;
Annual medical check-ups and screenings.
Manicures and pedicures.
How about a new tube of lipstick? Or that new MP3 player you've been dreaming about to replace that old cassette player?

A word or two here for my men BFL Buddies.
Once you've gotten your annual physical out of the way ...
Consider having a profession manicure. If you are real brave try a pedicure. A good feet soaking and a little special attention goes along way in making a person feel like a million bucks.
How about a facial? Many beauty spas are offering packages for men.
Maybe a new hairstyle?
Or maybe new work out clothes?

This is your invitation to join High Maintenance club. You deserve it!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Fast way and right way....

This week one of my co-workers announced to several people standing around her desk that she was heading for a sunny vacation and needed a plan to lose ten pounds in two weeks....
One of them said..."ask Michelle!"
My co-worker called out my name...
But then another replied...."No...Michelle's into healthy lifestyles not fast weight loss!"
I just laughed.
Not too long ago I was the mistress of those fast weight loss plans. Knew everything about each one of them.
Now I'm known as the Lifestyle Queen.
It's a title I will graciously accept.
Yes there is a fast way to lose weight. But I know there is a right way.
And it appears I have influenced those around me so they too know the difference.
Have a great BFL Day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

red bikini society

Once we get our BFL now what?

We only get one body for life. It is up to us to give it what it needs to thrive and to make sure it stays healthy! Today's message is for both women and men.
First...I'd like to have a word about breast cancer. One out of nine women will develop it. There are very successful treatments available. The catch is...we have to catch it in its early stages.
Mammograms and self breast exams are our best defense.

Today...I will go in for my annual mammogram. It's something I began as a gift to myself when I turned forty. For most of us that's the time for a baseline test. Women with a family history of breast cancer require an earlier baseline. If you are wondering when you should begin yours...please talk with your Doctor.

I have to admit the first test was frightening. I had heard that it could be painful. It really wasn't. And after that first test I went in dutifully for the next 12 years for another one. Last year...The test came back positive. But, I was extremely lucky. A biopsy removed all suspecious cells and a six month follow up brought good news.

Today I go in for my annual mammogram. I am confident that what ever the results... I will be just fine. That's the beauty of early detection.

Today I ask each of my BFL sisters to consider whether its time to get your baseline or annual test. If it is time...schedule one. A great resource is the American Cancer Society website.
I also ask my BFL brothers to consider discussing this test with their mom, sister, wife or see if its time for them to schedule their test. If they are afraid...volunteer to take them and if necessary hold their hand in the waiting room. It could be one of the best "tens" you'll ever hit! Also---consider conducting your own self exam. Yes, while too can get breast cancer.

Early detection is our best line of defense when it comes to this disease that claims to many lives.
Have a great BFL day....and remember you only have one BFL. Take care of it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Change your mind...change your body.

The EAS Slogan, "Change your mind...change your body" is empowering. Six little words that when put together and taken to heart make big changes in lives.
How many of us once had the notion that we were to old, to fat, to tired, to busy, to rich, to poor, to fearful or to clueless to adopt a different set of rules to live by?

How many of us were once so tied into living our lives no matter how unhappy for fear of moving out of our comfort zone?
The books, Body for Life and Body for Life for Women give us a step by step program that when we choose to adopt it will change our minds.
They show us how to banish negativity. How to develop a can do attitude. How to reach out to others so that they too can experience this positive change.
It's true...within 12 short weeks minds can be changed. Within 12 short weeks bodies will change too.

Each day I see proof of this when I read the BFL Guest book. Many of our BFL buddies offer testimony on how this program has brought them a new, positive way of thinking. We read about their daily victories and their monthy achievements. Hitting tens in the gym, eating clean day after day....guilt free enjoyment of freeday.

And then there are the reports of lost inches, smaller sizes and medical checkups with lower blood test readings and enriched relationships with family and friends.

Can something as simple as changing one's mind make a difference in the way we look and feel and react to those around us?
As we'd say here in Minnesota..."YAH YOU BETCHA!"

Believe in the power of self. Change your mind and you will change your body and so much more!
Make this Tuesday the best BFL Tuesday of your challenge. When you hit your tens...don't be afraid to shout out "OOF-DAH!" (yet another Minnesota word..uttered during a tough moment.) And rejoice in the knowledge that you are doing what it takes to make this life of yours the best life it can be!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Time rushes on!

Sometimes it seems we have so much on our plate....(not necessarily food.) This is developing into a very busy summer ahead. Graduations, start up.
But as busy as things get---I know I can't forget the most important thing. Taking care of myself.
It is so easy to put off exercise and nutrition. The moment I do the old way of thinking rushes in. Hey I can always exercise tomorrow. No time to pack those four meals for the workday? I can always grab something at Subway.
There is an easy way and the right way.
Today--I've already had a full day of work and haven't even left the house for my real job.
Today--I took an extra minute to pack my meals. Today I took a few minutes to write this blog.
Tonight I will take a break and hit the work out room at work.
Time rushes by but we must take time for ourselves. If we don't there will be no energy or enjoyment for the fun filled summer ahead.