The high maintenance club.
Many of us have spent years taking care of everyone around us. Often at our own expense. The BFL program draws attention to the fact that we too must be maintained.
When we adopt the EAS/BFL program and begin feeding our bodies nutritiously and working our muscles we are honoring ourselves and those we love.
The rewards come on a daily basis.
I used to think the idea of being a High Maintenance woman or man was some how selfish or wrong.
That was my old way of thinking.
One of the rewards of taking care of my own needs that I have more strength to serve the ones I love.
Where to start? The list can be as long or as short as you want to make it.
The most important first;
Annual medical check-ups and screenings.
Manicures and pedicures.
How about a new tube of lipstick? Or that new MP3 player you've been dreaming about to replace that old cassette player?
A word or two here for my men BFL Buddies.
Once you've gotten your annual physical out of the way ...
Consider having a profession manicure. If you are real brave try a pedicure. A good feet soaking and a little special attention goes along way in making a person feel like a million bucks.
How about a facial? Many beauty spas are offering packages for men.
Maybe a new hairstyle?
Or maybe new work out clothes?
This is your invitation to join High Maintenance club. You deserve it!