The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Universal Law....

The Body for Life book tells us if we want support during our transformations we have to give it! That's called the Universal Law of Reciprocation. By creating value for others in our lives we reap double, triple, even ten times in return.

Wow that is quite a promise!
Some of you may question whether you can skip this part of the program. Don't. I have seen first hand how this law has positively changed the lives of many of my BFL Friends.

2002 BFL Champion, CindyRae Homan is a great example. Some of you may have seen CindyRae a few years ago on the Oprah show sharing her transformation. Remember the Southern Grandmother in a bikini? I sure do. That show really got me thinking about the possibility of change in my own life. For some of us that national appearance may have been the top of the mountain. We may have figured we had done all we could and kicked back and enjoyed the fruits of our hard labor during the transformation process. Not CindyRae. She continues today to inspire hundreds of people to reach higher and improve their own lives.

Her one-on-one approach of adding value to other people's lives in her community has resulted in an avalanche of amazing transformations and entries into the Body for Life Ultimate Transformation Challenge contest headquarters.
CindyRae travels the country spreading the word about Body for Life. She has been invited to Golden, Colorado to address several Energy and Fitness Camps sponsored by EAS. A full time Wife, Mom, Grandmother and Professional woman she finds the time and her own money to make telephone calls to other BFL'ers, send emails and cards and letters.
Talk about adding value to others.

We can all learn a lot from CindyRae. I count myself as one of her students.

The Body for Life book asks us to to make a self promise to do something positive for two people whom you would like to support you in your effort to make the next 12 weeks a success.

My questions today?
Have you made that self promise? Have you kept it?

Have a great BFL day!
Your buddy,

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The only thing constant in this world is change.....
We grow up, take new jobs, we marry, some of us divorce....we lose our loved ones to disease, we ourselves grow old and will all one day face disease and the spector of death.

Wow--pretty depressing. Now the good news. How we react to that change can make a world of difference in our lives and those around us.
We can use each life experience as a powerful tool to affect change.

Here's just one example:
Today on the BFL Guestbook Wendy shares with us the lose of her friend who suffered a fatal heart attack. By sharing this tragic event--each of us will take a moment today to consider the fact that heart disease is a very real threat to both men and women. Some of us will make an even stronger commitment to lead a heart healthy life. Others may choose to participate in fund raising activities to aid the American Heart Association's efforts to education and promote cures for the number one killer of Americans.

When adversity strikes, and it will, learn from it. Use that knowledge to prepare yourselves for future change.

Question of the day:
What major change in your life has empowered you?

Your BFL Buddy

Monday, August 22, 2005

Thank you everyone!

I love BFL. Prior to getting involved in this program I could count the number of true friends on one hand. Wow..what a sad commentary to my old lifestyle!
Today, I am finding good, solid relationships in states I have never even traveled. I continue to be blessed as I walk the Body for Life path.

Cindy, Steve, Dana, Rena, Tracey, Jessie thanks so much for your uplifting words on my Sunday Blog. It was such a big treat to read them. Today I go back to work. One step closer to full recovery. Frankly I was feeling a little blue...but not any more. Your prayers, support and friendship is as empowering as balanced nutrition and regular exercise!

Thanks girls...I am really excited about having the opportunity to meet in you Tennessee and to hear all about your transformations and ongoing commitments to our favorite lifestyle program!

Steve...Congratulations on your efforts! When I met you in the Twin Cities I was impressed with your determination to take things up a notch. As I recall, prior to your injury you were working hard to build you best body ever. Its great to hear that the BFL program has brought that up to a new level!

I realized while reading Steve's comments that many of you are in the final leg of the last challenge for 2005 in order to qualify for the big EAS One Million Dollar Prize. Wow...time is rushing by! (To qualify you must finish your challenge by September 25 and of course send in that entry packet no later than October 10, 2005 to be considered for this year's competition.)
Please let us know how your challenge is going! Remember...don't get discouraged. Many folks don't start seeing weight changes until the fifth or eight week! Also remember...the tape measure is more powerful than the scale in determining just how far you have come.

This year you are not required to send in that fourth week photo. But I know for myself, it was really helpful to me to take photos thru out my challenge to document the changes that weren't showing up on my scale. If you are getting frustrated....please grab a camera, enlist a trusted friend or family member and take that midway photo now. Compare it to your before picture. I know...if you have been on will be pleasantly surprised and more determined than ever to finish your challenge with amazing results!

Remember, you have a chance to win this year! You can increase your odds by sticking with the program both nutritionally and physically, creating a solid support system, and practicing the universal law of reciprocation.

If like Steve you started your challenge to late to qualify for this year's big prize...use this challenge to win next year!

Good luck! I know you can do this!
Your BFL Buddy,

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back on line...

For a quick note:
I've spent the last week recuperating from surgery.( Not life-threatening!) But I took that week to simply focus on getting back on my feet. All is well, but I have been ordered not to exercise for the next four weeks. ARRRGH!
In the meantime I am going to focus on the things in can focus on like nutrition, 100 percent.
There is a saying that BFL Success 80 percent nutrition and 20 precent physical activity. Most sayings are rooted in fact. I plan to hit the floor running in about a month and rebuild muscle losses. For me that is much easier that removing fat.

About a year ago a good family friend was impressed with my transformation and wanted to know how I did it. I shared my Body for Life experience,I gave him the books and tapes suggested he try the program. He thanked me and that was the last time we spoke about the program. A few days ago he stopped by our home and I was amazed at the changes in his appearance. He had lost 60 pounds. He looks ten years younger and he says he hasn't felt as good as when he was a young man. When I complimented him on his hard work..he said he owed it all to me.
I thanked him and then reminded him that he did all the heavy lifting. (literally and figuratively.) And that it was he who deserves the credit.

Successful BFL'ers see positive changes in their own lives each day they stay on this program.
On occasion we have the privilege to see the same or even more remarkable changes in others who are inspired by our own successes.

That's part of the magic of BFL. We change, others are inspired and change...and they go on to inspire others to make change.

Here's to BFL and its power to empower!
Have a great day.
Your BFL Buddy,