The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Mother's Day....

Here we are ready to celebrate another Mother's Day. My family asked me what I wanted to do this Sunday. I thought and thought...and then I realized there is nothing I'd rather do on my special day than to sleep in a bit and then go to the gym with my husband.

This week has been so busy that we have only been able to work out once together. I really enjoy our time in the gym.

We don't really talk alot...but there are those great moments when we share a smile, or adjust one another's weights on the machine...or scratch an itch that's hard to reach.

This year has been one of the best of my life. I continue to work to sustain a healthy lifestyle and now my husband has joined me in this quest. We are both in our fifties..and we have never looked or felt better.
We are also much better people on the inside.
It just seems we are happier and more forgiving of one another's little habits that used to drive us crazy.

It could be maturity. It could be our longevity as a couple. But I suspect its because we now share even more goals. The biggest of which is to remain healthy as we can to enjoy our lives together for as long as we can.

This Mother's Day? Hold the chocolates. "Forgetabout" the trip to the casino buffet. A card and flowers will be nice...but ultimately a good 45 minute workout in our neighborhood gym with my hubby and a hug from my son will be the best gifts of all.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My Challenges.

I've been asked just how many official EAS/BFL Challenges have I accomplished and sent in my packet.
The short answer is four.
This is my long answer...When I first discovered BFL I was inspired. Despite my new mindset and tons of enthusiasm I began that challenge and failed within four weeks. Life got in the way and I went back to my bad old habits.

Several months later in August of 2003 I attended my first EAS Energy Camp for Women in Golden, Colorado. When I got home I began my first successful challenge. Wow! It was magical. For 12 weeks I ate clean, learned how to exercise and the weight fell off. At the end I was down 23 pounds and had gained muscle.

My second challenge started immediately on completion of my first one. I went on to lose an addition 14 pounds. That was the challenge that brought me my title as EAS/BFL Champion Women 50+. Looking back it amazes me that I lost most of my weight by week four of this second challenge!

I took a couple of weeks off and began my third challenge. I lost around 10 pounds and continued to build muscle. I had heard that three challenges will result is successful lifestyle changes that will last a life time. And that's just what happened.!

Since then I have maintained my weight loss within 5 pounds. I continue to work the program and build muscle. I call this maintenance period my "fourth challenge." It has lasted many, many months.

I will begin my "fifth" challenge this summer when I return from our Champion's for Life Cruise. Goals include a six pack and rock star arms!

My experience has taught me many things. The first is that this program works if you work this program. Second don't view a bad day or two as a "failure." Continue to set goals and view those "bad" days as a chance to learn and move forward. BFL is a journey through life. There will be obstacles along the way. This program offers the power to meet those obstacles head on and the knowledge to conquer them.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hit Delete!

Don't you just hate all the unsolicited email that flies into your computer? The ones that really get on my nerves are those promising rapid weight loss without effort! Lose 10 pounds in a weekend....Better than Phen-phen....Sleep you fat away....
The titles sound to good to be true. That should be your first warning.

Try as I might to beat the system of weight loss...I have found there really is no easy and quick way to lose fat while sparing the muscle.

After years of trial and error I have finally found the right way to get in shape. Body For Life. Diets don't work but this program does work.
It's not easy. It takes commitment. It takes planning. It takes support. It takes time.
But I have found that once you begin to honor your self promises...this program is sustainable. This program is for life.

As for those emails that fill up my in box? I recommend hit delete. And hit it often.
It's one of my first exercises of the day.

Tell me, what is the most unusual email weight loss promise have you received?

Hit Delete!

Don't you just hate all the unsolicited email that flies into your computer? The ones that really get on my nerves are those promising rapid weight loss without effort! Lose 10 pounds in a weekend....Better than Phen-phen....Sleep you fat away....
The titles sound to good to be true. That should be your first warning.

Try as I might to beat the system of weight loss...I have found there really is no easy and quick way to lose fat while sparing the muscle.

After years of trial and error I have finally found the right way to get in shape. Body For Life. Diets don't work but this program does work.
It's not easy. It takes commitment. It takes planning. It takes support. It takes time.
But I have found that once you begin to honor your self promises...this program is sustainable. This program is for life.

As for those emails that fill up my in box? I recommend hit delete. And hit it often.
It's one of my first exercises of the day.

Tell me, what is the most unusual email weight loss promise have you received?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mix it up!

Spring is finally making itself known here in Northern Minnesota. Yesterday's snow flurries gave way to sunshine today and the promise of temperatures into the 50's this week.

This morning I took advantage of the nice weather and decided to jog out doors. What a change from the treadmill!
It was such a high to hear birds chirping, dogs barking and pass road crew workers as I made my 1.4 mile lap around my neighborhood.
It was so much fun I decided to make another round.

Even with a daily exercise we can get into a rut. Sometimes it takes a sunny day to move us out of our comfort zone. Once we get out there...we realize what we have been missing.
Don't hesitate to mix things up in your life. It's the quickest way to hit new highs in your program.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Champions for Life

Just a few more weeks and I'll be on the Champions for Life cruise! I can't wait to meet the champions and soon to be champions who will be setting sail from Miami. I've learned that if you want to succeed you have to surround yourself with champions. When I first learned of this cruise I knew I had to be on that ship. It means so much more than a few days in the sun...and a chance to swim with Dolphins. (Although the Dolphins will be a high point.)

I just got my lipstick red bikini delivered.
For those of you who don't know the significance of that suit let me explain. There is a group of BFL women who have vowed to get fit and proudly wear a red bikini on the cruise. This will be our first official gathering of the "Red Bikini Society."

The idea is that "age" has nothing to do with fitness. As I approach my 53 birthday this month...I am proud to be able to actually wear a bikini. Red is a power color. It symbolizes the "power" of our transformations. Officially there are about 25 of us who have declared their membership. We even have an international member. Deb Rossi in Austrialia!

Our motto is, "When I grow fit and strong...I will wear red...the most powerful color of all."

I believe that any woman who accepts the EAS/BFL Challenge has a red bikini in her future. Along with that suit comes entry into the most elite club of all...the "Red Bikini Society." Can't wait for your to join us!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

BFL Pals...

You can never have enough of them! Here in Duluth, Minnesota a small group of BFL sisters meet to share our successes, review our before and after pictures and talk about future goals. These meetings are always energizing for me. Each time we meet I take away something that will help me reach higher in my own transformation process.

Even a little thing like the importance of drinking enough water. That has been one of my big struggles. I have always been a big soda pop drinker. (Diet of course.)

My group members told me about the latest thing...they are like "pixie sticks" for grown ups. Tiny little packets with sugar free favoring. Crystal lite makes them, there are also generic ones too.
You just add one of the little packet to a bottle of water and wow! I picked some up this weekend and am happy to report that these past two days I have exceeded my water intake and reduced my pop addiction significantly.

Thanks to my group I have added yet another positive action to help me improve my lifestyle.
Their support has added so much to my life. I hope that you too can find your own group of BFL'ers to share your successes and ideas to improve your transformation efforts.