The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I have been thinking about just how competitive this world is. Whether we like it or not we are all competitive. It is part of our nature---our survival instinct!

We compete in school for the best grades, to get into the best college....we compete on the job for promotions and in our personal lives for the best mates.
It's no wonder we sometimes have a hard time getting up in the morning to start a new day with a smile and loads of optimism!

Please, if you haven't read the insider blog today on the website posted by 2004 Champion, Julie Whitt..take a moment to read it. It is so lovely and she speaks from her heart!
In it Julie touches on our natural instinct to compete to become better people and talks about how she has channeled this instinct to become the best she can be.

One thing I have learned since adopting my new Body for Life lifestytle is that most of my new buddies are indeed competing, but they are competing to top their personal best! They are working hard to become the people they were intended to be! Happy and Healthy.

What is also wonderful is that these same people are eager to celebrate the victories of others who are reaching higher. BFL to me is really a group effort. When one person succeeds we all succeed! BFL buddies are there when you need them...and the favor is returned. Support is essential to our success.

If you have been struggling during your transformation---you may want to consider taking a bigger part in the BFL community. Celebrate the successes of others. If you are moved by someone's entry in the guestbook...drop them an e-mail. Offer encouragement, an electronic high-five...a vote of confidence.

If you are struggling... post a plea asking for help in overcoming the roadblocks you're encountering on the path to the new, healthy you.
You will be amazed at just how many people are here, ready and willing to cheer you on to the finish line!
Have a great BFL Day,
Your Buddy,

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Confessions of a Champion...

I have a 5 pound rule. And I find, now after vacation...I am under the gun.
This morning I finally jumped on the scale. Actually it was more like a gently and very timid step...after all it had been nearly three weeks since the last time I had ventured any where near that darn machine.

Despite my best efforts to work out and follow the BFL program while playing in the sun and enjoying the Southwestern cuisine---I managed to reconnect with five pounds of fat. What do I do? Do I nash my teeth and feel sorry for myself? Do I figure that I may as well give up and get fat again?
Do I just beat myself up and continue to eat the things I know will undo all my great efforts over the past 2 1/2 years of healthy living?

NO, NO, NO, NO....NO!

I know what needs to be done and I will do it. It is that simple.
I need to jump back on the BFL PATH and stay there!

One of the tricks I have used to do that is to schedule rewards. Last night I registered for the Tennessee Champions event in October. I have made my flight arrangements and reserved my hotel room. Barring an airline Mechanic's strike I will be there---a day early just to enjoy an early evening workout at a nearby gym!

After talking with those who attended last year's big event I know the weekend will be a blast! I will get to see all my favorite BFL Champions and meet future Champions. Just knowing that I have this event to look forward to will help keep me on the BFL Path.

Please tell me what rewards you've planned for yourself?
If you don't have one yet, consider attending the Tennessee event. From experience with other BFL events I can tell you it will be one empowering weekend that will help you change your life!
For more information...go to the Club directory on the BFL website and click onto the link for the Tennessee club. All the information about the weekend is there.

Now--I have to get to the gym and hit my tens!
Have a great BFL DAY.
Your buddy,

Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day....

On the face of it...this Holiday represents so much for our Country and its people. Freedom is the single most important item on the list of what we hold dear as American Citizens.
As you watch your hometown parade and salute with the passing of the color guard I am sure you too are feeling the pride of belonging to this great experiment called America.

Today I am relaxing and taking this birthright to heart. Examining my responsibilities as a citizen and those I owe myself.
From this day forward I will work to renew my obligations to:
1) my country
2) my family
3) myself.
In addition I am going to focus even more on my health and happiness knowing that by doing so I will make all three stronger.

If you haven't taken the BFL challenge please consider declaring your Independence today. Your independence for unhealthy crutches such as gluttony and sloth...and the long list of problems they create.

If you don't know where to begin, consider the Body for Life program (
Today is the last day to enter the 12 week ultimate fitness challenge. If you put your heart into will never regret it! In three short months you will be healthier, happier and will wonder how you ever survived that old life.

Declare your Independence today---keep those self promises. A new life is yours for the taking!