The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Fantasy Challenge, pre-panning continues....

Yesterday I suggested we begin to create a "Fantasy Challenge" with our tips to those who are new to Body for Life. I am thrilled with the response. If you didn't get a chance to read my blog from Thursday please do! There are some wonderful pre-challenge tips from our BFL Buddies, John, Jessie, Cindy and Peter. Thanks guys and girls....I love your ideas and your spirit is catchy!

Today as I read the BFL guest book I was impressed with all of the entries. I can't repeat all of them here....but I'd like to share this one!

Plan A
  • Eat Clean

  • Workout with Intensity

  • Set and Review Goals

  • Plan Ahead

  • Visualize Success

  • Practice Reciprocity

  • Plan B
  • See Plan A

  • LarryTALLMADGE, OH9/9/2005
    E-mail Me

    As my successful buddies point out, Planning is essential to a successful Challenge.

    Recently, I was approached by a man who wanted to talk about BFL. He had seen my transformation story on the local newscast and had bought the book and started the program for herself. We had a wonderful conversation. We talked about weight lifting and cardio and then he confessed that he wasn't really thrilled with his outcome. Our discusion moved on to nutrition.

    I asked how he liked the six meals a day. He's face went blank. " Oh I did Weight Watchers a little and then I did a modified Atkins." he said.

    I then explained a little more about BFL nutrition....and said. "Doing BFL half way is like trying to run a marathon in a full body cast. You might move a little....but you will never finish the race."
    He understood that....and said. "I guess this time I better read the whole book."

    It is funny how so many of us buy the Body For Life Book, read it in a night and set off on a 12 week program without really understanding what it is we need to do to succeed. The book is the blue print for building your Body for Life. Don't forget to read the fine print!

    Even after several challenges, I keep that book next to my night stand and read from it nightly. I find something new each time I open it.

    preplanning? Read the book. Re-read the book....and if you don't understand something ask a question on the guestbook or call the EAS toll free number and talk with the experts. Your BFL awaits!

    Now---what pre-planning advice would you like to offer those preparing to accept the challenge? Please let us know!

    Thursday, September 08, 2005

    Fantasy BFL Challenge....

    I was thinking...which can be dangerous. But here goes...Now that back to school is underway, a lot of folks will be thinking about self-improvement and some will be turning to the BFL website for direction.

    Many of you are familiar with Fantasy Football. I was thinking that we could use my blog over the next several months to come up with ideas for a Fantasy BFL Challenge. The perfect Challenge....FILLED with your ideas on how to mount one. Many of you are now into your second and third challenges. You have lots of ideas on what makes a challenge work and what doesn't.
    Today I am looking for your ideas for pre-challenge preparation.

    What do you believe are the key steps necessary leading up to that all important start date?

    I'll get the ball rolling.

    Step one:
    Start Date. As elementary as it have to pick a start date. This is the day your life will change dramatically. It is the day you will celebrate anniversary after anniversary as your lead your new healthy lifestyle. That day could be one week out from today, or three weeks from Monday. The point is pick a date and start making preparations to launch your new life. Don't let anyone stop you for keeping that date with yourself! This will be one of the first self-promises you make and keep.

    What advice do you have for those about to embark on the most important project in their lives? (The creation of their Body for Life?) What really worked for you? How did you prepare to succeed? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Have a great BFL Day.
    Your buddy,

    Wednesday, September 07, 2005

    T-shirt I'd like to wear...

    Judy T. of Duluth brought up an interesting discussion note on the guestbook. She was looking for ideas for T-shirts. Here's mine.

    "ASK ME about BACKFATBEGONE!" Front of shirt
    "Body For Life"! Back of shirt.

    This of course could include, "Thighsbegone" "Bellybegone" and more.

    It sure felt good to get back to the gym...this is day two for me and it has really given me a brighter outlook. Its really amazing what a few weeks away from the iron can do to a person. But its so rewarding to know just how easy things can turn around when you rededicate yourself to the Body for Life program.

    Thanks for the feedback on yesterday's blog! Ouch, it appears I am not the only one who has paid way too much for their favorite treat. But as long as we learn from these bumps in the road....and move forward we remain on the right track, together.
    Have a great BFL day.
    Your buddy,

    Tuesday, September 06, 2005

    A not so FREE day...

    Question: How does a DQ Blizzard end up costing $368.00?

    Sunday was a tough day for me. It was my first weekend in our empty nest. Our one and only is now a Freshman at College. We brought him to school on Saturday. By Sunday I was really feeling it!
    I scrubbed floors. I cleaned the house from top to bottom. Anything to keep my mind from worrying about our son.
    By Sunday night, I was really looking forward to my Free Day Treat. That DQ Blizzard.
    In our small town, our DQ has a drive thru window. The only problem is the entrance to that drive thru is not lighted. And there are several poles on the left side of the narrow drive way leading to the order box. These poles are painted dark blue and are only about two feet tall.

    As I made my turn, my car rubbed up against one of these poles. I now have a three foot long blue rub along the driver's side of my new car. A 2003 Chrysler Convertible that I have dreamed about for years.
    Today, I went and got estimates to repair the damage.
    The low estimate was $368.00. My insurance deductible is $500. So....that's how my FreeDay Blizzard ended up being my last Blizzard! (And from what the auto body guy tells me I am not the only one who has battled it out with those little blue poles.) But that isn't the point.

    As my dear husband told me. "Honey, maybe someone is trying to tell you something.
    You worked like a mad woman, you were depressed and you had to have that Blizzard....!"

    He is right of course. It was an expensive lesson to learn. Food will not solve feelings of loneliness, nor sadness. Food is nothing more than energy.
    Today was my first full day back in the gym after my surgery. Armed with my latest lesson and a renewed committment to the Body for Life program....I have dedicated myself to work hard to retain my Body, for Life!

    Hope you are all safe and hitting those tens.
    Your BFL Bud,