The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, October 21, 2005

We are all transforming!

From the moment of conception til the day we die...we are transforming. That transformation comes whether we adopt a healthy lifestyle or not.
The way I see it, we can either deteriorate or we can transform into happy and fit adults.
The direction depends of us!
Talk about freewill...
Hello gang, week five is nearly completed. And to think...there were people who thought we couldn't hang in there. (some of us may have even had doubts ourselves.)
But we are committed to this positive transformation. Right? RIGHT!
I was thinking this morning that there maybe a few of you who have put off going out with the gang on Friday night after work...or with your significant other to various events. Party season is right around the corner. Should you stay home or should you go out? It's a question that only you can answer.
Do you feel confident you can continue this new, lifestyle in the face of temptation?
After nearly five weeks of healthy living you should be seeing many signs of your positive transformation. Sleeping better, more energy...heck you maybe are already in a smaller dress size or tightening your belt.
If the pressure is on to go out and have some fun tonight...guess can have fun. You've worked hard. You deserve to be out with your buddies. But, be prepared!
--Eat a meal before you're favorite watering hole.
--Have an energy bar ready just in case.
--Drink sparkingling water, with a twist of lemon. (Nobody needs to know.)
--Skip the onion rings, chicken bones and blooming onions.
It's not about the alcoholic beverages and fat laden foods...its about you celebrating your new found mental, physical and spiritual health.
If you feel you can maintain a Friday night out with the gang and still keep your self-promises...just do it!
--Stand tall.
--light up the room.
Everyone will be asking you..."Hey? What have you been up to look amazing!
Believe me...that feels much better than a blooming onion with fat laden dressing tastes.
Question: What healthy BFL tip do you have for those who plan tonight to "hang with the gang?"

We are all transforming.....

From the moment of conception til the day we die...we are transforming. That transformation comes whether we adopt a healthy lifestyle or not.
The way I see it, we can either deteriorate or we can transform into happy and fit adults.
The direction depends of us!
Talk about freewill...
Hello gang, week five is nearly completed. And to think...there were people who thought we couldn't hang in there. (some of us may have even had doubts ourselves.)
But we are committed to this positive transformation. Right? RIGHT!
I was thinking this morning that there maybe a few of you who have put off going out with the gang on Friday night after work...or with your significant other to various events. Party season is right around the corner. Should you stay home or should you go out? It's a question that only you can answer.
Do you feel confident you can continue this new, lifestyle in the face of temptation?
After nearly five weeks of healthy living you should be seeing many signs of your positive transformation. Sleeping better, more energy...heck you maybe are already in a smaller dress size or tightening your belt.
If the pressure is on to go out and have some fun tonight...guess can have fun. You've worked hard. You deserve to be out with your buddies. But, be prepared!
--Eat a meal before you're favorite watering hole.
--Have an energy bar ready just in case.
--Drink sparkingling water, with a twist of lemon. (Nobody needs to know.)
--Skip the onion rings, chicken bones and blooming onions.
It's not about the alcoholic beverages and fat laden foods...its about you celebrating your new found mental, physical and spiritual health.
If you feel you can maintain a Friday night out with the gang and still keep your self-promises...just do it!
--Stand tall.
--light up the room.
Everyone will be asking you..."Hey? What have you been up to look amazing!
Believe me...that feels much better than a blooming onion with fat laden dressing tastes.
Question: What healthy BFL tip do you have for those who plan tonight to "hang with the gang?"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Enjoy the journey

It's funny how we sometimes focus so much on the future "outcome" that we neglect to enjoy the efforts it takes to reach our goals. If I can leave you with one thought today it is this.
Don't forget to enjoy the journey.

I don't know about you...but my life is becoming richer by the day. I am trying new things...and taking new chances.
As part of my job as a televison news anchor this week I had the chance to attend a preview screening of "North Country," a movie that opens this weekend. It tells the story of women who worked in the ore mines where I live and how they battled sexual harrassment on the job.
My television station hosted the showing and a local jewelry store loaned me a perfectly cut, 65-thousand dollar diamond necklace.

Now the old Michelle would have never agreed to wear that necklace. I was to fat, to old....and feared it would just look plain silly.
The new Michelle...couldn't wait to offer up her neck for the chance to wear it. It's amazing how this BFL program has helped me realize that I have value and that I am worthy of these incredible opportunities that come to me.
Talk about priceless!

Speaking of perfectly cut jewels...I have to tell you about one of the BFL Champs I got to meet this past weekend in Tennessee.
Donna Szabo the 2000 Grand Champion.
Take a moment right this very second to check out Donna's photos in the Before, After, After link on the BodyforLife website.
Amazing huh?
Her secret?
-As an artist her fitness is crucial in practicing her talents.
-As a mother and is required to balance artistic gifts and quality family time.
-As a BFL champion...the mental, physical and spiritual health gained are essential as she inspires others to meet their objectives.

Some of you have already become perfectly cut diamonds....some of us are diamonds in the rough. BFL is the tool that will allow us to make the "cuts" and polish these ourselves into perfect shape, color and clarity.
It will happen! That's the BFL promise!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You gotta have an edge!

It's midway thru week 5. If this is your "first" or fifth 12 week challenge... you have gotta have an edge!
I can't begin to tell you just how much fun this challenge is for me. I have taken all the lessons learned from past challenges...and am putting them into practice day in and day out.
Often I would bemoan the fact that my first challenge was "magic." Magic in a bottle that I spent subsequent challenges trying to recapture.
I must say....with the steps I have taken in recent weeks I think I've done it again!.
Several BFL events have super-charged me!

Another charger I'm using to keep up that "pump" is the EAS LeadingEdge Magazine. I just got Issue Two in the mail.
Wow! This issue is especially exciting because it has an article about one of my favorite BFL Champions, Ken Young and his work to gain Definition! Reading about his mindset helps me tinker with my this is my Definition Challenge.
When you get your copy--take time to read the segment on Fitness with Body for Lifer Theresa Hornic who like Ken is a Marine!
With these two...powerhouses I know our country is in good hands.

Hey...the latest issue also has a Body for Life update on the Champion's for life cruise and a photo of the first meeting of the Red Bikini Society!
Now that should convince you that your should get your copy asap!
The LeadingEdge Magazine is filled with stories, exercises, nutritional tips...and supplimentation. Did I mention beautiful pictures and more?

This magazine is the "Edge" that will get me where I am going this challenge. By the way...the next issue will have the BFL Finishers' list. You gotta have one of those too!

Order your copy free of charge! Call 1-800-297-9770. There's also a link to order one on this website or go to

Have a great over the hump day on this week five.
Hey, speaking of Edges...what is yours?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

There are no excuses...!

"Make yourself a priority today."
That was my message this morning when I had the honor to share my fat to fit, heart healthy and Body for Life message with a group of volunteers at a medical center in Duluth, Minnesota.

These dedicated folks carry the flowers to the rooms of the sick, offer comforting words to the families of those struggling to live....and pretty much keep the hospital running smoothly. Often times these are the same people who have given so much of their positive "energy" away...there is little left for themselves. And that---can lead to a host of problems!

I think I convinced them that by focusing as little as one hour a day on our mental, physical and spiritual growth...we will have even more strength to care for others in our lives!

We must place ourselves on the top of our priority list! There are no valid excuses not to do just that. Cases in point:
--Julie Witt. If you think you are too sick or tired today to work out...consider Julie's courageous story to rebuild her body.
--Wendy from Dallas, GA and Laurie from Monroe, MI. If you think today you just don't have the time to keep your self promise to get to that cardio workout.....consider these guestbook buddies and mothers of active twins! Despite schedules that would frazzle most of us...they never miss a workout.
--Connie Ruble BFL Champion from North Carolina. If you think you might be permitted to cut yourself some slack...on the weights and cardio routines because..."golly I'm just not as young as the rest of these BFL'ers"...consider this amazing woman ( who is MY age) now competing in Body Building Contests and giving the younger woman a run for the trophies.

Today's mantra? No excuse in the world is good enough....not to take time to meet our basic needs!

As we work hard during week 5 of our Ultimate 12 week challenge consider whether you are making yourself a priority. If you are not...stop that right now! Remember....there are no good excuses for not putting your basic needs first!

Question: Will you promise to spend at least one hour a day caring for your own needs for the rest of the challenge? And will you keep that self promise?

Week five begins!

Time is speeding by! It seems just like yesterday we began this Ultimate 12 week Body for Life Challenge. It may also seem like its taking forever to transform into that person we want to be.
Beware of "Impatience." It can kill our best efforts!
Like me you may have jumped on the scale this morning and found that your weight doesn't match your goals.

Case in point. I have been "on point" for the past four weeks. I'm doing this by the book.
I feel like a million dollars. Full of energy. My eyes are mind is strong and I know that my body is changing.
But that scale is telling me I have gained three pounds since I took the first step in this challenge four weeks ago.

What should I believe? That scale or my energy meter? Today I'm trusting my own mind, body and spirit. I have complete faith in BFL. I have developed a renewed faith in myself. My goal? To keep doing what I am doing....and make it to the end of week twelve....lean and mean. (Lean for sure.)

Note: I want to take a moment to publicly thank, Don, Stephanie, Jessie, Tara and Mary for their year long challenge to create one of the most exciting BFL events I have attended. This weekend in Tennessee ranked right up their with the 2004 Champions' Weekend in Colorado.
It couldn't have come at a better time for me!

Note: A special thanks to BFL Champions, Steve and Angel Cater. I am honored to call you my friends! By the way...if you ever get the chance to work out with either of these amazing're future workouts will never be the same.
Case in point? For over two years I have been doing what I thought was the perfect Dumbell curl. Well...after Angel got done with me...I know know what the perfect form is! Wow what a difference. The clients she trains...are among the luckiest in the world.

Today's question?
What do you plan to do reach higher in your efforts to complete this Ultimate 12 week challenge?

The BFL Blogger has landed!

.....In Detriot.
Right now I am sitting in a cozy little Online Cafe in the Detroit Airport awaiting a flight to Duluth, Minnesota. I didn't want the posibility of a canceled flight to prevent me from keeping a promise to turn this power month into a Red power month. As a result....BFL Bud, Judy Tullius and I set off on foot through this massive airport and found this quaint little "online" and here I am...blogging my heart out.

Who on earth would have thought that I'd be blogging from an airport about health, nutrition and fitness? Two years ago...I wouldn't have! Believe me. But with the Body for Life program I am finding that anything is possible for me.... and for you!
This program is the key to the door to open up a brand new life. It's up to us to pick up that key...unlock that door and walk through it.

Here were are gang...week four is behind us. Its freeday...and tommorrow (drum roll please!) we begin week five! We've pushed past the most difficult week of the 12 week challenge. Nothing, but nothing can stop us...with the exception of ourselves.
Don't let that happen!

The Tennessee Champions week taught me that.... just when I think I know everything there is to know about BFL I learn that there is so much more I need to learn about BFL. That's the challenge that keeps me on my toes and moving me forward!

At last night's banquet I had the chance to really get to know some of the people who I have had the pleasure to meet via the net. (cyber-BFL buddies all.) Hey you know who you are. Boy do you look wonderful in three D!
One of those buddies is PETE (and his friend Steve).

Pete is a frequent commentator on my blog. His transformation is stunning! In fact...I didn't recognize him. At first I thought It was one of my famous senior moment's but after thinking on it...I'm now blame it on 12 weeks of dedication on his part and a new, hip haircut.)
I hope you all have the chance to learn about it first hand.

As I mentioned...tommorrow we begin week five of our Ultimate Transformation. I know you are up to this...lets hit it hard and follow the book gang.
After this weekend...I can't do anything else but...hit it hard.

Please excuse the grammer, the bad spelling time is running out on this computer...tommorrow morning I be back home in Minnesota on my trusty little computer and will have more tales from Tennessee. Until then---reach for the stars..there's one with your name on it!

Ending week four in Knoxville

Wow! I can't believe that Ken Young managed to blog today from the Tenn. BFL Champions' weekend. But then on second thought....of course I do! I belive that anything Ken sets his mind to---he'll do it with power and finesse.

Last night after our big Bowling adventure many of the attendees gathered at the Applebee's next to our motel for a late night (sixth meal of the day.) I can't tell you how exciting it is to finally put a three dementional perspective to the faces and names of all the buddies I have met via the guestbook and the BFL tracker these past two years. We filled four of the high rise tables in the bar area. And it was such a powerhour of fun and sharing tips.

It seems no matter where they are in their transformation process....there is a special energy that BFL'ers OWN. You really can spot them blocks away. They are bright eyed, they walk with a spring in their step..they really do glow!

There are so many things I'd like to share with you about the past 24 hours or so...but I'll quickly focus on a spectacular moment in the RUSH gym this morning.
Our friend, Mary Wade climbed a mountain! With skill and grace she conquered the climbing wall and rang the bell. The room broke into a thunderous round of applause.
Then after much support from my buddies--I too decided to climb the wall.
Mary had lead the I figured...maybe it was possible for me too.

I did my very 3/4ths the way up and had to give up.
But...for someone who fears heights...I'm happy with my effort.
Next year--I plan to ring that bell too!

Tonight we will be donning our Sunday best for a Champion's dinner.
I'll blog about that tommorrow night when I return to Moose Lake.

Congratulations on making it to the end of week four. Enjoy free day...and tommorrow try something that really challenges you!

Day 26...greetings from Knoxville.

This is so exciting! Right now I am writing from a local shopping mall. I didn't want anything from keeping the full month of October Red.
Week four is almost done. One more day...and then freeday.
I am so proud of you for sticking with me on this our Ultimate BFL 12 week challenge.
Finish the week strong...and enjoy Sunday off.

This afternoon Porter Freeman is signing his book at a local bookstore here.
Then tonight we will be bowling with the Champions. It's also a fundraiser for Make a Wish Foundation.
I already have Porter's book...but hey, Christmas is coming and I know several people who would really enjoy a signed copy.
As for bowling. Well...last time I did that was in the 80's. So...I figure if I can break 80 tonight I will be hitting my tens.

We are anxious to get together tommorrow night for the BFL Tenn. Champions Dinner. Stephanie has thought of everything. Talk about Southern Hospitality! The menu is extremely clean! And we all have passes for a gym called Rush.
So..I'm finding that this traveling and BFL can go hand in hand.

I'll probably be writing this blog tommorrow from a local between our morning workout and our afternoon hike thru the Smoky Mountains.
How I wish you all could be here. I know it would be an inspiration with a capital I.

Please start planning now to attend the BFL EXPO in Colorado in January.
It could be one of those goals that keeps you on the road these weeks to come.