The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Day 25....

Today I'm flying to Knoxville, Tenn. for the BFL Champions weekend. I can't tell you how excited I am to be meeting up with Past, Present and Future will be a real inspirational event.

I hope you will be attending this weekend's big event. If you are--please find me and say hello! I want to hear your BFL transformation story.
If you can't make it...please consider the BFL expo this January in Colorado.
Then there's that Champions for Life Cruise!(see BFL events link)
Taking part in events like these have been essential to my own transformation.
It's amazing how pumped we can get...when we surround ourselves with people who are striving to improve their lives. The excitment is contagious.

This morning I busy packing my meals for the day, my gym bag is filled with workout clothes and I'm taking Marc's advice for travel. Bring extra bars and shakes...just in case.

It's Day 25. As you reach your goals...are you remembering to reward yourself?
I sure am. Knoxville here I come!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Day 24...over the hump day!

Here it is already--the middle of week four.
Congratulations for hanging in there and honoring those self-promises. Pretty empowering isn't it?
With each new day that follows....from this day forward...together we will reach a new level of fitness and move one day closer to meeting our goals.

Today I'd like to revisit the matter of goals and how essential it is:
--to make them
--put them down on paper
--and say them out loud
Consider it your "Declaration of Fitness."

As you reach each goal on that list celebrate your accomplishment. Then...find a new goal to add to your list!

Tuesday I had the honor of sharing my BFL transformation as part of a Health and Fitness Class at a local University. It was a lot of fun and I hope that I inspired at least one of the students to make healthier lifestyle choices.

I pointed out how everyone in the classroom was in the process of transforming. We were either deteriorating or becoming new and improved. The direction of our transformation depended on the actions we took.
As I was wrapping up my presentation one of the students asked me if I had now reached all my goals.

I told him that my newest goal was to learn just how far a woman my age could transform her body, mind and spirit with the aid of exercise, balanced nutrition, supplimentation and the power mindset.
The next thing out of my mouth even shocked me!

I told the students (average age 21) that I (50 something) was thinking about training for a Natural Body Building Contest.
Wow! Me? A BB Contest?
Hey...anything is possible as long as we set our goals, write them down and say them out loud.

Today's topic?
Besides winning the BFL Million dollar Challenge what is your biggest goal?

Monday, October 10, 2005

Day 23....

Today I get to surround myself with A classroom of young and healthy adults. That's right....I'm going back to college. Well actually I will be talking to a Sports and Health Science Class at the local university.

Two years ago...if anyone one have suggested that I would one day be standing up in front of a college classroom to talk about fitness and nutrition I'd have fallen off the couch and nearly choked on my potato chips!
But that was before BFL!
Nearly every day since accepting the BFL Challenge to develop my best body ever, life has been filled with pleasant surprises and empowering moments.

These things I know for certain.
--First we are inspired.
--We change our minds and soon...or bodies follow.
--Before we know it we inspire others.
--This program is a treasured gift that must be given away at every opportunity.

Today I'll be telling a roomful of future personal trainers, physical therapists, and other medical technicians how I went from fat to fit.
In a minute I'll gathering notes, a video tape highlighting the high points of the Body for Life program and how it has changed my life. I'll also bring along some favorite EAS products and T-shirts for a classroom drawing. (Thanks Marc!)

I'm looking foward to sharing my story, answering questions and learning about the people I'm about to meet. For me it will be a power-hour to recharge.

I plan to end my talk by saying to the students:
"You are the future. One day soon you will be working with men and women my age seeking the secrets to health and fitness. They may ask you if its too late for them to transform their bodies.
When that time comes....please remember me. A 53 year old woman...with the amazing biceps!"

Fade to me in the front of the classroom...sleeveless blouse...doing my best Pop-eye pose.

Have a great BFL Day! And don't forget to pass it along!

Day 22

Did you enjoy your freeday? I know I certainly did. About all I exercised yesterday was that old sweet tooth of mine. Now that I've gotten that out of my system I'm anxious to get back to the serious business of health.

Week four has begun and its important to follow through this week on all of those new habits we have been working so hard to develop!
--BALANCED nutrition
--Resistance Training
--Planning, follow through and building those support systems.

If you find yourself struggling...don't hesitate to activate your new support system.
Ask for help. That's what BFL Buddies are for. Many of them have been in the same situation and will have some valuable tips that will make this, your Ultimate Transformation.

Yesterday's blog asked for ideas for those of us who are traveling this week. If you have a moment, check out the responses. Thanks Robin, Steve, Stephanie, Janice and Sylvia for taking the time to remind me that yes, there is always a Plan B if we take the time to develop one.

Today's duel topic comes from Robin CEDAR RAPIDS, IA
"Perhaps we could have some tips for low budget BFL eating and suggestions for winter cardio for those of us that live in the north."

DAY 21 Freeday

I thank you all for your wonderful posts yesterday on handling negative self-talk! I appreciate it and I know there are lots of folks who deal with this very same issue and will be able to use your tips.

We have just finished our third week in this Ultimate BFL Challenge. Congratulations.
You are turning your lives around. These past 21 days are evidence of your unwavering commitment to build your best bodies ever.

Today is freeday. Enjoy it. I know I sure will.

Tommorrow we begin week four.
Take a moment or two today to plan the next six days.
--Visualize each trip to the gym. Have your written down your workout plan?
--Think about those 36 meals before us.
Do you have the proper foods in the house? If'll want to make a trip to the store today.

This next week will present some interesting challenges for me. I have a hectic work schedule and then Thursday I will travel with my BFL Bud, Judy T. to Knoxville for the Tennessee Champions Weekend.
Travel brings its own unique challenges. Today I am using my freeday to plan ways to stay on program. Meals, exercises, supplimentation....oh and then there's is this other goal to turn this month RED!

Today's question. What tips do you have for those of us who travel during a 12 week BFL Challenge?

Day 20

Thanks to Fabio, Robin, Peter in VA, Paul, Sylvia, Cindy, Glen,Janice, Steve in Mpls., and Mary for your secrets to defeating the negative talk within. Personally your comments in yesterday's blog couldn't have come at a better time! Believe me...Kathleen wasn't the only one who needed to hear them. As week three comes to a close in our Ultimate Body for Life Challenge I too have been fighting off negativity and self-doubt. For three weeks I have been lifting heavier weights that I have ever lifted. I have been true to our nutrition plan and have taken my suppliments regularly. This morning I was feeling pretty "meaty" (ie:lean and strong.) Then I stepped on my scale. Och! Three weeks into this challenge and I have gained a quarter of a pound? How did that happen? Then that little voice started up again! --Maybe I should switch to a tried and true quick loss plan? --Maybe I should stop lifting those heavier weights? You get the picture! The negative talk was crowding out all the positive imput from these past three weeks. But then...I went to plan B. (my tape measure) Ta Da! I have lost a total of one inch off my waist. A half inch off my thighs and calfs. Reading your comments and utilizing my plan B...I am ready to stay the course and hit my cardio today with a smile on face! Week four begins on Monday. Unscientific surveys show that week four is a make or break week for successful transformations. That might well be the reason that the 2004 BFL competition required those four week photos! Scales don't! If in the next week you doubt your progress, have a picture taken. Compare it with your before picture. This little trick will see you through to week five and beyond. Some contestants, including myself lost most of their weight in the second half of their challenges. Don't fall quick weight loss methods of old. Steady wins this race and possibly the BFL Championship. Remember, it takes our minds a full thirty days to accept new habits and turn them into old habits. TOGETHER...we will get through week four and continue on with our journey. Today's question? How bad do you want it and are you willing to stay the course?