The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, December 10, 2004

How long does it take?

People new to the BFL program are often discouraged in their second or third week. If you follow the BFL website seems a day doesn't go by that someone is lamenting their lack of progress. They complain they've lost just 2, 3 or 5 pounds. Many drop out and eagerly toss this program into a growing heap of failed diets, quick weight loss schemes and broken self-promises. Sadly they often begin the search for yet another "get thin quick" scheme.

How long should it take to transform your body on the Body For Life Program?

Bill Phillips, the author of the best selling book, Body For Life might say instantainously. In his words...
"Change your mind...change your body."

When we do change our mind or open our mind to new ideas and processes and begin to follow thru with our self-promises change is inevitable.

Some lucky practicioners of BFL see their body transform each and every

Most of us begin to see changes after a month or two of starting the program.
Some of these changes include a lifting of spirits, a sense of empowerment....a sense of mastery over our bodies. And they often times begin before the first losses are recorded on a scale or body fat calipers.

Each small victory is a stepping stone along the path to a happier and healthier
life. When these victories are combined they become a powerful force that will keep us moving forward.

Lets face it... obstacles present themselves in our day-to-day lives. A
bad day at work, a bad day at overdue bill, car trouble...sickness
and death.
If we build a strong body--I am convinced it clears the way for a healthy
mind and spirit and the power to meet obstacles and overcome them.

That's one of the beautiful things about the BFL program.
If you work it--it delivers so much more than weight loss...and an improved

How long does it take to transform? The answer is simple. It can take a
split second....or it can take forever. The time it up
to each of us.

Beware of Old Timers Disease...

"No one can follow the BFL program after day. We all
have setbacks, but it's what we do most of the time not what we do
some of the time, that creates our circumstances."

Bill Phillips 9/1/02 USA

.....But sometimes---old habits return when you least expect them.

Here is a post I made several months ago to my EAS Energy for Women group.

Today I am following the BFL program perfectly. Tomorrow I will again make it my number one goal.

In recent weeks I have begun to suffer again for "Old-timers" disease. Basically this disease can strike any long time BFL'er who
has found success in back to back challenges…but who has "forgotten"or "misplaced" the program basics. It often strikes during the maintenance phase of this healthy lifestyle program.

It is especially harmful to BFL'ers who think they have the BFL program down pat and no longer need to waste time journaling, setting goals and measuring their portion sizes.
Symptoms of this dangerous milady may include gaining and losing and gaining those last five pounds…over and over again, denial and frustration.

Those who have crossed the abyss and stayed on the healthy side say
the cure to this "Old-timers" disease is simple. Re-read the book,
get back to basics and work your 5, 6 or 19th challenge like it's
your very first!

Boy oh boy…do I remember how exciting that first 12 weeks was! Rewards came daily….rewards like weight loss, health gains and the sense of empowerment.

To make a long story short…I know what I need to do and tonight I'm publicly renewing my commitment to this program, (Not Michelle's program) the BFL/EAS program.
It's a time tested cure…and it will work for those who work it.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Victories come in all forms...we need to celebrate each one!

After a long and sometimes fruitless battle I have finally licked (no pun intended) my addiction to my personal comfort food...a highly processed and full of fat and sugar premium ice cream.

To borrow a line from the Wizard of Oz... When I now think of that old comfort food I say...

"You have no power here. Go away before someone drops a house on you!"

Have a strong BFL day my friends!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Mail Call----

Today I got an interesting email from a reader of the BFL GuestBook commenting on a frequent contributor there. I have changed the names to protect the innocent.
It makes you wonder if people read Bill Phillips' book at all.

Dear Michelle,

Hi "Dennis",
I guess because he/she is extremely kind to many bfl'ers. Writing them personal emails and encouraging their progress in the program. Its like when Bill Phillips talks about the universal law of reciprocity.

The more you give to others, the more you receive? "Dagwood/Little Lulu" is a pretty sage guy/gal when it comes to the mental focus required for the Body For Life Lifestyle.

His/her knowledge comes from years of experience working the BFL program. I'm starting to see patterns in how this program works over the days, months and years people work it. The old timers can put these stages into focus and it gives us new folk levels to hit.

There are a lot of regulars who post on the BFL site. Often times there is a direct relationship between posting and success. I can't really explain it. But I know on the days I don't log on and read the guestbook--my day goes a little catawampus.

Have a great holiday season!
Best to you, Michelle. Ps feel free to email me anytime.

Today's personal note. I have just earned my Gold Medal in the President's Fitness Challenge. John Lesko started this amazing idea and I am so happy that I joined his BFL'ers group. All three medals are pinned up in my cubical at work. They represent a lot of self-promises promises kept.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

How old are you really?

I've come to the conclusion that being 52 isn't half bad. You're still young enough to think you aren't one of those old people. And efforts by others to make you feel old...roll right off like water on a duck's back!

You might know what I mean...young waiters ask if you want to order off the Senior Menu. Some folk raise their eyebrows if you wear your skirt above your knees. (Even if you have a great pair of legs!) You get up in the morning and look in the mirror. Looking back is someone who looks a lot like your mother.(Ahh those internal messages can also contain barbs!)
And then there are those times when you run into someone your own age and think...My God when did so and so get so old? And as soon as you think it--you realize she might be thinking the same about you.

And that brings me to the focus of today's blog. How old are we...really?

Recently I ran into a woman one year old than me. Arthritis and obesity has forced her to use a walker. She was scheduled to have hip surgery. Her hair had streaks of gray, he eyes had lost their sparkle. She wore a long pullover gray sweatshirt that hung to her knees and a pair of jeans. She not only looked old...but she sounded old. Her voice was thin and weak. Each word dripped with sadness.

Our visit consisted of an update on her long list of medical problems and along with discriptions of tests and medications. She also tossed in details of a troubled marraige and problems with the kids.

She then asked how I was doing. I told her life couldn't be that I had found Body For Life.

She just shook her head and said---"yeah but you've always looked good."
I told her the program took hard work but it had worked for thousands more...and I'd be glad to give her a book and any help I could in making her own transformation.
She had a thousand excuses why it wouldn't work for her.

Less than two years ago--I would have agreed with her that it was impossible to change the cards that life had delt. I would have matched each of her one thousand excuses with those of my own. Not anymore. Today thanks to BFL I know how to re-shuffle the deck and discard the bad cards with the best of play a winning hand. I've read that leaders lead by example. I want to lead--and I work hard to present a good example. I'm also learning that each person has to hit their personal worst before then can go for their personal best.

Tonight's questions... How old are you really? Why do so many people give up on life when there is so much more life to live? Why can't I wear a modest mini skirt if my legs look great? And do you suppose it isn't all that bad to look like my mother?