The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Champions weekend continued...

It was an inspiring weekend to say the least. Each of the 2004 Champions brought something special to the event and their stories will remain with me for a lifetime!

I hope one day soon you will have the opportunity to talk with Grand Master Champion, Mariah Yu and husband Steve. Mariah is a champion in every sense of the word. And behind every great champion stands another of equal measure.

This young couple received one of the most special gifts I could ever imagine to begin their life together as husband and wife. You see they both finished their BFL Transformation Challenge right before their wedding. This awesome couple is starting a life together on solid foundation of health... thanks to EAS/BFL, a program they both have taken to heart. With their commitment I know it will be a program they will maintain for a lifetime.

I can't help but think how much more my own life would have changed had this program been available when my husband and I first married. But thankfully this program is here today. And in the past two has brought my relationship with the most important person in my life to a new level of love and respect.

Gary and I work the BFL program together...together we are growing mentally, physically and spiritually. Our commitment to one another has never been stronger.
We recently celebrated our 24 wedding anniversary. We are in better shape today than we were in 1981.
If you and your husband, wife or significant other are debating whether to begin the EAS/BFL transformation challenge...please don't wait a day longer. There are great things waiting just 12 short weeks from now!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

From the greatest minds department...

A news story today offered by NBC indicates there is a new theory out there about why so many Americans are fat. It appears many of us are just sitting around waiting for a cure.

Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Economist, Gary Becker says we have put our faith in science to solve our problems. Becker says, "Americans hear about amazing scientific innovations all the time and that same mentality is what has them waiting for a cure to obesity."

It's a sad state of affairs when people sit on the couch feeding their faces and wasting their precious assets (health) in anticipation of a magic pill that may never be created?

I admit, I used to be one of them. But...not any more. Time is to precious to waste.

To win the battle of the bulge we must develop a healthy lifestyle plan we can live with. For me--the Body For Life program gave me the tools I needed to create that plan.

Don't wait for science to solve obesity....The life you safe could be your own.

Each of us is a model!

One thing I have learned during my first half century on this every one of our behaviors is being observed by someone. What we do, what we eat, what we say...tells others who we are and how we live. When we make the decision to become healthy and follow through on the steps needed to turn our lives around...magic happens.
Soon those around us begin to notice. Some wait for us to fail while others help celebrate our success.
Our new attitudes are as contagious as measles in a third grade classroom.
When we do it right...others will want to repeat our success.
Each of us is a model.
EAS/BFL shows us how to uncover that positive model inside. Each of us has the power to change the person at a time. All we need do is begin to honor ourselves by keeping our self promises. When we do....the excitement will spread! That to me is the BFL promise.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

All in the BFL Family...

During our EAS/BFL Champions Weekend in Golden, Colorado Porter Freeman welcomed me and my fellow champions into the family. I've been thinking about his words these past couple of days. We Champions may not be related by blood, nor by our geography ..but Porter is so right....we "are" family!

Today I want to tell you about one of those Champions, Ken Young the Grand Champion representing men ages 26 to 32. As you may know Ken is a U.S. Marine detached to the White House in Washington D.C. His duty is to guard the most important man in the free world. Our President. It's not surprising that Ken is brave and strong and has six pack abs. That goes along with the territory he covers daily.

But what might surprise you to learn is Ken has a heart. A big one! I am so impressed with this soft spoken young man. If you ever have the pleasure to meet him I am sure you will be too. When Ken talks to you, he looks you right in the eye and he listens. His comments are thoughtful and he makes you feel special.

Ken did all of the "heavy lifting" to become an EAS/BFL Champ. But he didn't get to the top by himself. He has a special woman in his life who helped make him who he is today.

We all got to bring a guest to be there this past weekend as we received our honors. We could have brought anyone we wanted. Believe me a lot of people wanted to come with me and I bet Ken could have picked from hundreds of close friends. I brought the most important person in my life. (my husband) Ken brought his too....his mom, Ann.

I wish you could have seen the pride in Ann's face as Porter Freeman honored Ken as the 2004 Grand Champion. I wish you could have seen the pride in Ken's face this weekend when his mother told him that she too wanted to begin her own BFL transformation.

I have a son. If I could have a second one I'd pick him; Kenneth Young U.S Marine to the "core"....strong as steel with a heart of a lion.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Tales of Champions' weekend continues....

The 2004 EAS/BFL Champions weekend is now will take weeks to update my transformation scrapbook and journal recording every minute of this amazing time in my life. There are so many special moments to record.
One that will stick with me for life is the moment Porter Freeman called Inspirational Winner, Julie Whitt to the front of the EAS Corporate auditorium to present her with a hardboard poster featuring her before and after photo and story.

As Porter introduced her there wasn't a dry eye in the house! Of all the BFL Champions, Julie is my superstar. Her "courage" and "heart" exemplifies what this program is all about. Please if you haven't pull up the 2004 Champions' page on the BFL website or read about her journey at the BFL Tracker website...I hope you take a moment or two today to do just that.

Then...if there is a morning when you think--I just don't have the heart to work out or eat clean---please think about Julie. In 84 days you think I don't have the courage to fill out that entry form and send it to Colorado---please think about Julie.

Julie Whitt has and continues to be one of my inspirations. What this beautiful, young woman continues to do each minute of the amazing. Julie walks the walk.

Another high point of my weekend was sampling all of the tasty and healthful products that EAS has developed to help each of us meet our goals. The sampling included soon to be released BFL nutrition products. I have no doubt they will be well received at a store near you.

There is still plenty of time for you to complete your own BFL Challenge and be picked the 2005 winner. My advice---first buy or check out the BFL book. Second read it....third....follow the instructions. And the most important of all fill out that entry packet and mail it in.

Can you imagine there are those who do all of the above make stunning transformations and then fail to mail in their entry?
It happens. Don't let it happen to you!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Back home again...

It is Sunday Night....and boy am I tired. But it is a "good" tired. As you may know, I have just spent the past couple of days in Golden, Colorado to attend the 2004 EAS/BFL Champions weekend.

It was 48 hours of non-stop high! I had the opportunity to meet face to face with this year's champions. Wow what a group. Although I have followed several of their transformations via the internet on such websites as BFL Tracker and of course the BFL guestbook....there is nothing that compares to seeing the "after" results up close and personal.
These folks are amazing. They have all worked hard to transform their bodies, minds and spirits. There is a "glow" to each of them.

Rest assured--they are true representatives of what this program is all about. I count it as a high honor to be associated with them.
The EAS corporation treated us like royalty. And as family. This treatment extended to our spouses and significant others.
There are so many high points (tens) to this weekend...I hope to share some of those in the coming days.
Tonight...I want to just say; Thanks to all the people behind the the magic called EAS/BFL. I am in your debt!

And if you are undergoing your own BFL transformation challenge I'd like to wish you luck and hope that you too will have the opportunity to be named BFL Champion. Nurse, stay at home mom, Pastor, Marine....Business man or woman....some one will win the 2005 one million dollar prize. It may as well be you.

Remember---in order to win you got to be in the game. And you got to send in that entry packet!
Your BFL Buddy,