The Red Bikini Lady....

Body for Life Champion and Liftime Achievement Award Winner, Michelle Lee. "page-a-day" memoir of the steps I took during a journey to my first Body Building and Figure Competition and beyond. (c)2008 all rights reserved by blog author

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm at an age when many women believe their best years are behind them. I hope to convince my "Sisters" that many more of those "best years" are waiting to be lived! I'm living proof it is never to late to live them. Not to long ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds and was being treated for a long list of obesity related medical problems. Thankfully there came a point in my life when I decided to keep my self promises. When I life opened to a world of possibilities.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Just say no....

I've talked to a lot of women recently about the problem many of us have when it comes to saying the word "No." As little girls we were taught to be helpful and told not to be "selfish." Sometimes I think we are genetically wired to nuture everyone around us without regard to our own needs.

This I am sure is also a problem for my male BFL buddies too. Growing up they were told that big boys don't cry. They have the wiring of those Cavemen who didn't have the option not to go out and slay the sabertooth tiger and bring back a dyno t-bone for the family.

Just imagine where we'd all be had we not been wired that way? The little caveman babies wouldn't have survived and hence...I probably wouldn't be here today typing away of this computer.

Being "selfless" is a good thing. It promotes the human race and at times it can make you feel good.
But it can also make you feel bad.
Denying yourself of the care you so easily give to others can be draining. It can also be downright dangerous. Dangerous to your physical, mental and emotional health.

Body For Life teaches us how to begin focusing on ourselves without guilt. Proper exercise, nutrition and supplimentation takes time...time spent on ourselves. And giving ourselves the attention we need to thrive feels good! What a concept!!
Feeling good about ourselves also empowers us to give freely without anger to those around us.

So rather than thinking in terms of being selfless or selfish I'd like to throw out a brand new word for you to consider today. SELFLISHNESS. Its a combination of both words. It's up to us to determine how that word can fit into our new lives powered by the BFL Lifestyle.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thank Goodness for Freeday...

...I'll be needing it Sunday! Finally after 18 years my baby has grown up and he'll soon be packing for college. It seems just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital, bundled up in my arms...and me without a clue as to parenting.

These past years have been a real learning experience. Thanks to my son I have learned so many things.
Things like when to step in and teach, when to protect, when to nurture and when to step back and let him grow.
Fred graduates from high school on Sunday. Following all of the pomp and circumstance...we will have a houseful of friends and family in to help us mark this major passage in our lives.

The menu is planned. Of course I have ordered way to much of everything. We'll have enough to food to feed an army. Honey baked ham, homemade rolls, potato salad...and a cake that feeds 60 people. Thank goodness for free day! I plan to eat a little bit of everything and even drink a glass of wine or two... to toast my son's accomplishments.
Plan " B" is in place. I'll bring all of the left overs in to work on Monday and feed my co-workers.

Monday is also the day I begin a new phase in my life. While I have been learning how to let go of my son...during his high school career, come Monday he'll be a "certified" adult with diploma in hand. My husband, and I will soon have an empty nest. We will have to make adjustments...but we are both excited about what the future will bring for my son and ourselves.

Body for Life has made our lives richer...and in a sense it has prepared us for what the future will bring. It has shown both of us how to grow stronger in many ways. Today we set goals that we actually reach. And each day we celebrate the idea of reaching higher.
Sunday my son picks up his diploma for a job well done. After accomplishing a successful BFL Challenge or two I know just how he will feel. He's hit his tens, he's finished a successful challenge and is ready to face and new one.

Next stop? College in the fall. And a new chapter in this grand life for all!

So my question is today...if you've successfully mastered the "empty nest" what is the most important lesson you learned?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Swimmin' in Cozumel....

A swim with the Dolphins was one of the many excursions offered during our Champions for Life Cruise.
When I first heard about the Dolphin encounter I dismissed it. Why on earth at my age would I want to swim with a Dolphin I thought. Don't get me wrong...I watched the show Flipper as a kid. (That sure dates me doesn't it?).... But to be honest, I have rarely thought about them in my adult life.

And them I started hearing from my BFL Buddies who were going to sign up for that event.
Wow! I never realized just how many people out there have had the dream to swim with a Dolphin! I must admit their excitement was contagious...and before I knew it I found myself signing up for the "swim of a lifetime" too. Sure I might be fun? What else was I going to do when everyone else was playing with the fish? So...why not?

Young,, women it didn't matter. By the time we were buckling up our lifejackets and figuring out our snorkel tubes nearly 40 of us were marching out to the dock to take the Dolphin Challenge.

During this event, we got to kiss a dolphin, dance with a dolphin, pet a dolphin, learn about their habits and training. We also got to "ride" or should I say guide with one through the clear blue waters off Cozumel. Oh I wish you could have seen the excitement on the faces of my new friends as they glided back to our platform. Or heard the laughter of a dolphin as she received her command from her trainer.

Reluctant at first about trying something new....I have to admit...the Dolphins adventure was one of the highlights of the cruise.It made me realize once again, just how much Body For Life has empowered me to try new things, to move out of my comfort zone and LIVE IT!

To be continued.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I've got the Power....!

Wow. Where to begin?

First, I want to thank Julie Whitt for her great posts while I was hangin' in the Caribean with 100 of the most empowering and beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. It was so great to return from the Champions for Life Cruise and pull up the BFL website and catch up on the news here on shore.
I agree with Julie's awards. Each of her selections were right on.

Second. The 2005 Champions for Life Cruise on the Canival fun ship, Imagination.
BFL Champion, Jerry Braam pulled off the feat of the year. He managed to present each of us with the opportunity of a life time. Jerry thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Not only did I get to meet up with the champions I've had the opportunity to know and love. But I had the honor to meet those who I have read about and admired for the past two years and had always dreamed of seeing in person. Now I know why they were selected from thousands to represent the Body for Life program. They do indeed walk the walk! They also dance the dance...and are the life of the party!

It was also great to meet our Champions in progress. Many I had met on the BFL Tracker website and have enjoyed following their continuing progress.
The energy radiating from these men and women is incredible. If we could bottle it and provide each and every one in the world a daily dose of this amazing concoction I sampled daily on our cruise we would resolve most of the problems that hold us down as human beings. (Wait...LOL .I think it is already bottled. EAS Products and the BFL Program.) Now we just have to continue spreading the word of this magic potion by our own actions and success. The world will follow.

Oh how I wish you could have seen and heard the reaction of non-BFL'ers on board our cruise ship. They too saw the power of our group and many, many of them wanted to know and learn the secrets of our success.
We made dozens of converts during our days at sea. In typical BFL Buddy fashion....members of our group reached out to those with questions. Here's an example. Each of us received a new BFL Book as part of our goody bag on board.
Many gave those books to newbies on board. It was grand to see those converts reading the book while enjoying the sun and fun on the Lido deck.

I must confess, when I got home and jumped on the scale I had gained 5 pounds. That works out to about a pound a day....can we say party? Can we say too many freedays? Can we say...get back on the program?

Yes to all...and yes, today I begin my Ultimate EAS/BFL Challenge. Cause--after the Champions for Life Cruise...."I Got the power!"

Thanks everyone for the cruise of a life time.
Set aside June 11th, 2006 for a 4-Day Bahamas Cruise. Check for future information on the 2nd Annual Champions-for-life Cruise.